Reverend At A “Mosque”

QUESTION: This coming week, a reverend is invited at one of the Musaajied where he will be addressing the Musliems in Cape Town. Kindly comment on this new practice kanallah.

ANSWER: Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is reported to have said, “The Hour of Qiyaamah will not come except when the cross is worshipped inside the Mihraab of the Masaajid.”

One don’t need to be a Shaykhul-Hadith, Head Mufti of any Darul-Ifta, a Moulana or even a Haafizul-Qur’an to know that such an un-Islamic practice is totally HARAAM, period. Simply being a Muslim will make you know this!

It is expected to see the ‘Mosque’ in question to host Kuffaar and reverends! Since the very same ‘Mosque’ serves as a ‘role model’ (for other Mosques to follow suit), in the eyes of the deviate scholars of South Africa. Their Radio Izlam awarded this ‘Mosque’ a prize for this. Remember, this ‘Mosque’ allows almost any person the podium.

Furthermore, what more can be expected from scholars, Imaams and Shaykhs who rub shoulders with Kuffaar more than even sitting sincerely for even one Majlis at the feet of one of our Ulama-e-Haq in South Africa with the intention of listening to learn and to implement? Why is that so? Because the Haq which emanates from the talks of the Ulama-e-Haq doesn’t make the inner Shaitaan ‘dance’. Rather, it destroys, demolishes and annihilates the elements of Shaitaan, Baatil and evil when the Ulama-e-Haq talk the BITTER Haq.

To the total contrary, when rubbing shoulders with Kuffaar, politicians, women and celebrities, there is no unpleasant taste, feeling or even dream. Rather, to the songs and tunes of such people the inner Shaitaan finds comfort, a dancing floor and a ‘good-time’.

Just imagine, a Masjid which is the House of Allah Rabbul Izzat, an abode wherein Rahmat descends in torrents and in which frequent the Pure Malaaikah, is used to ‘honour’, forget a Faasiq, but a KAAFIR REVEREND – a Kaafir is under Allah’s La’nat as per the Aayaat of the Qur’aan Majeed! How can an abode of Rahmah (Masjid) ever be used to host a man who is Mal’oon (accursed)? Thus, no sane Muslim should even come close to this ‘Mosque’ which is actually an ‘Open Mosque’ used as a tool to bolster the deviate agendas of the Ahl-e-Baatil, especially on the particular date of the reverend’s event.

Don’t the Imaams and Trustees have any shame and fear for Allah Ta’ala by being so daring to mix evil (Kaafir) with pure (Masjid)?

Forget a reverend, even a scholar for Dollar’s speech on a Deeni topic has Zulmat (darkness) in it! And scholars for Dollars here refer to the political type scholars, interfaith-scholars, TV-scholars, government-scholars, friends of the court scholars, etc.