44 Masaajid In Danger!

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20 Muharram 1441 / 20 September 2019

44 Masaajid Around SA In Danger By The ‘Mosque’ Open Day Troop Who Will Transform These Masaajid Into Museums!

Allah Ta’ala asks the following question:

“And who is more unjust than he who prevents (men) from the Masaajid of Allah, that His Name should be remembered in them, and strives to ruin them?” (Baqarah, 114)

At a Haraam ‘Mosque’ Museum (Open) Day, Kuffar – men and women, who wallow in perpetual impurity of their bodies, clothing and beliefs, are permitted to enter the Masaajid! While on the other hand, a Muslim woman, even in the state of Tuhr (opposite of menses), with Wudhu, is NOT allowed to enter a Masjid for the fulfilment of a Fardh act (Salaah), then with what stretch of reasoning do these mobs of ‘Masjid Attackers’ allow Kuffar females – many of whom may be in their menses, and (generally) all are in a state of impurity, in the Masaajid?

Regarding Muslim men who go to the Masjid for Salaah, they are advised to ensure their state is such that they do not cause any Takleef to others. For example, men should ensure they do not have any bad smell emanating from their mouths before going to the Masjid.

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“He who has eaten garlic should not come to our Masjid.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

When this is the demand of the Respect for the Masaajid which Muslims have to adhere to, then how can liberals allow Kuffar into the Masaajid for a tour, refreshments, etc.?

Therefore, genuine Muslims and Muslims who are interested in the Haq should not be fooled by these mobs of ‘Masjid Attackers’ into believing that this Haraam is Halaal.

If your Masjid will be turned into one such museum, demand from your Imaam to stop this, write to the trustees of your disapproval, and Insha Allah, Allah will assist you.


(This topic will be continued, Insha Allah)

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