A Playful Team’s Video

A Team Of Play Dressing Itself In Deeni Attire How Then Can They Ever Be Called ‘Deen’?

QUESTION: A brother mentioned to me that on the eve of the 17th of November 2021, he received a 1:41 (one minute and forty one seconds) long video from Deen Team’s member, or should I say, the man who is sort of in charge of the Deen Team.

The following facts vexes me which the brother said was shown clearly in the video:

  1. A youngster is videoed zip lining
  2. Youngsters are videoed doing various other activities such as climbing
  3. A Nazam type of background sound is played in the video
  4. A voice starts by quoting a Hadith as follows, ‘khiyaarukum fil jaahiliya, khiyaarukum fil islam,’ and then translates as ‘the best in ignorance also become the best in islam’

The saddest part was that videos were taken of youngsters doing various activities despite the DEEN they assume to be representing has banned all animate photography as well as videography. Which deen are they really representing? I wonder…

While this brother gave me the information of this video of this team, I personally saw, just a few days ago, a picture of youngsters posing with their main leader sitting in the middle, on the floor, after a particular competition of theirs.

The book titled ‘Ummati, Ummati’ had also warned the Ummah of the dangers of this team, the Mujlis of PE also wrote a solid article against them, and Alhamdulillah, a senior Maulana who belongs to the senior category of Ulema of the country and is also part of the Wifaaqul-Ulema of SA had quite fairly spoken about these type of teams cloaked in deeni attire. However, I wish you to also explain more on the fitnas of this particular team which is set in place to hook muslim youngsters and do activities just as the kuffar do in their adventures, matric-balls, parties, competitions, etc., the only difference is that these activities have been put under the banner of islam, hence muslims will think their actions to be perfectly permissible.


From your observations, this team DOES NOT represent the 1400 year old Islaam, this is for sure! Insha Allah, soon more comments will be available on this issue in an article we are busy preparing. May Allah Ta’ala give us Tawfeeq to complete the writing, Aameen.

(To read (and download) this article as PDF, click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Playful-teams-video.pdf)