A Stern Warning For Perfumed Women

Hazrat Abu Musa Ash’ari (Radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Any woman who applies perfume and passes by people so that they may smell her fragrance is like an adulteress”. (Nasaai’, Tirmizi, Abu Dawood, Ibn Hibbaan,Mustadrak)

Notes: The commentators of Hadith explain that since this woman has stirred up the desires of men with her fragrance, she has encouraged them to cast gazes at her, thus making her the cause of adultery of the eyes.

It is a principle in Islam, that one who is the cause of the sin will also bear the brunt of that sin. This doesn’t mean that the one who actually perpetrates the wrong is innocent. Rather, he too will be sinful.

What we learn: We learn that it is strictly forbidden for women to leave their homes (in the first place, out of dire need) while they have applied perfume on their clothes/bodies. What then can be said when the women roam around the market places and fetes – like Sultan Bahu Fete, Souks, Pre-Ramadan Fetes, Eid-Shopping Festivals, comedy shows, Rand Show – with make-up, made-up hair and perfumed-up?

This renders them as adultresses! Just like no husband can tolerate their wives to walk around semi-nude in public, so too, should husbands and fathers consider their womenfolk’s condition to be when they leave their home perfumed-up and dolled-up with make-up, high-heels and attractive, bright and colourful eye-catching fancy Abayas, scarves and clothing! 

Weekly, how many weddings take place just in a small province like Gauteng? How are the women attending them dress? Do they apply perfume? Think, and ponder.

Even if a woman is in Hijaab and her hands are covered by wearing gloves, she is NOT allowed to apply perfume when leaving her home. 

May Allah Paal save our womenfolk from committing Fitnah and becoming a cause of Fitnah, Aameen. 

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