Mass Zikr – For Palestine

All such mass messes are Bid’ah. All the points above are Haraam. It is Haraam to attend all such mass events. The Haraam is further aggravated by Muslim and non-Muslim women partaking in such Haraam; by non-Muslims partaking in such events and by dubbing such messes in Islamic Themes – such as using the words ‘zikr’, ‘tahajjud’, ‘du’a’, etc.

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Moulana Husain Ahmad Madani’s Life By Ml Bham – Beware!!!

After reading the above brief five – only five out of many other points – we can understand that Ml Bham is not a reliable person in terms of the Shari’ah due to the above open, public and blatant wrongs in his account. One should refer back to Hazrat Ibn Sireen’s statement and understand that at the outset, forget what the topic of the program will be, it is not permissible to join, listen, participate, etc. in his talks and programs.

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