MJC’s Taraaweeh (Mis)Guidelines

12 Ramadhaan 1442 / 25 April 2021

MJC’s Weird Taraaweeh (Mis)Guidelines

What Else To Expect From Those Who Cancelled Jumu’ah Salaah And Closed The Masaajid?

Allah Ta’ala’s Promise to the true Mu’mineen that they will NOT waiver and shake by the regular un-Islamic bombardment of the agents of Baatil and the anti-Shar’ee (mis)guidelines of the enemies of the Masaajid like MJC, IMASA, JUSA, UUCSA and the cartel of scholars who appear to be the puppets of the atheist government, WHO, Dajjaal and other entities of Baatil:

“O you who have Imaan (Imaan on the Laws, Protocols and Guidelines of Allah and NOT of the atheists)! Take care of your own selves (i.e. guard your Imaan). He who has strayed CANNOT harm you when you are rightly guided (i.e. obeying Allah’s Protocols and Guidelines).” (Maa’idah, Aayat 104)

We make Du’a unto Allah Ta’ala that He makes us (those who are trying to follow the Pristine Shari’ah) among the guided ones and keeps us guided until our last breath on earth, Aameen.

Now and again the propagators of Baatil disgorge Baatil which they staunchly believe, practice and are the supporters of. For example, IMASA’s 49-page publication on covid-19 titled as ‘Covid-19 Myths’ which was sent to us is a perfect example of this. While we scanned through some of the pages of this publication of IMASA which was among the first bodies to reveal their Nifaaq when they called for the shutting of the Masaajid last year, the stench of Baatil and un-Islamic beliefs creeping in there was terrible. Insha Allah, if time permits, we shall expose the un-Islamic beliefs and ideologies hidden therein, with the Tawfeeq of Allah Ta’ala. It is not surprising that JUSA/UUCSA takes medical advice from this same entity called ‘IMASA’! True is the proverb in English, ‘birds of a feather, flock together’.

Regarding the weird Taraaweeh mis-guidelines published by the MJC about a week before the Blessed Month of Ramadhaan, we have the following important statement to make:

MJC does NOT represent Islaam. Their recent past, like JUSA’s and UUCSA’s, have brought to the fore their true colours. Thus, they have lost all Deeni credentials, just like JUSA/UUCSA and company. Henceforth, even their moonsighting will not be accepted.

Read on to know why – if you cannot swallow this bitter pill!

  1. MJC supports and participates in Haraam interfaith meetings wherein actual KUFR is dinned into the ears of the participants.
  2. MJC has been found to be approving pork products, as it surfaces regularly in the public. The examples are plenty! Refer to Darul Emaan’s book titled ‘Ummati Ummati’ to view the details with proofs.
  3. MJC’s ‘Mufti’ – the same one who has signed the weird (mis)guidelines of Taraaweeh – was the very same ‘Mufti’ who was seen sitting directly next to a female lady in a certain meeting / conference. Refer to Darul Emaan’s book titled ‘Ummati Ummati’ to view the details with proofs.
  4. MJC’s ‘Mufti’ – the very same one who has signed these weird Taraaweeh (mis)guidelines – was the same one who called for the cancellation of Jumu’ah Salaah last year prior to lockdown, just like how JUSA called for the closure of the Masaajid prior to lockdown.
  5. MJC’s ‘Mufti’ – the very same one who has signed the 2-page weird Taraaweeh (mis)guidelines – was one of the panellists on JUSA’s mouthpiece radio which airs the Hijaab-demanding voice as per Allah’s Shari’ah of women, and ‘explained’ and ‘discussed’ as to why the Masaajid should remain closed during the p(l)andemic. JUSA’s secretary was also a participant in this panel discussion. Alhamdulillah, this panel discussion of MJC’s ‘Mufti’ and JUSA’s secretary was an eye-opener to many, many Muslims to the danger posed to Deen by these agents of Baatil.
  6. MJC’s letter dated 05/04/2020, shows their total and full anti-Haq and anti-Masjid attitude wherein they wrote to the president saying that ‘MJC distances itself from groups wishing to create dissent within the Muslim community with frivolous legal challenges not in step with the broader community…’ This letter is dated AFTER the Muslims of South Africa were made aware of a legal challenge by a group of Ulama-e-Haq, who had the support of almost every famous, prominent and senior Aalim of SA. Yes, the Ulama-e-government like MJC and JUSA/UUCSA didn’t support this case, obviously!
  7. MJC supported UUCSA fully whom they are members of, to be the amicus curiae in the Masjid court case.
  8. MJC was challenged on the 28th January 2019 by a senior Mufti regarding their support of a ‘Muslim’ politician in his Hindu wedding saga, where MJC asked those (Ulama) who spoke against this despicable act to rather ‘apologize’ to the ‘Muslim’ politician.
  9. MJC’s Shaykhs are seen NOT TO BE OBSERVING HIJAAB in open public. Refer to Darul Emaan’s book titled ‘Ummati Ummati’ to view the details with proofs. Like JUSA, MJC’s view on animate photography appears to be that of ‘permissible’, while the Ulama-e-Haq’s view is otherwise. Very recently, senior Ulama of Wifaaqul-Madaaris have stated their view of photography to be impermissible, as translated and published by Darul-Uloom Azaadville. Also, Wifaaqul-Ulama (SA) published an article on photography stating it (animate pictures) to be impermissible.  
  10. Last but not least, this same ‘Mufti’ of MJC filed an affidavit to court in their Masjid court case support. If this is not a disservice to Deen, then what is it? How many curses of the Masaajid across the country he must have received? Do you still rely on him in the Taraweeh guidelines he has approved?

(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/MJCs-misguidelines.pdf)