Shaving The Beard?

Question: Is it permissible for a man to shave his beard?

Answer: It is incumbent upon every man to grow a beard. When a beard has grown to a fist-length, then according to the Hanafi Mathab, will it be permitted for him to trim not lesser than a fist.

Regarding the method of trimming the beard while maintaining a fist length, the following quoted text explains:

Cutting in it (the beard) is Sunnat, and this is that a man should hold his beard with his hand, and cut off that portion which is longer than a fist. So has (Imaam) Muhammad (Rahmatullahi alaih) narrated in Kitaabul Aathaar from Imaam Abu Hanifah. And this is what we adhere to….Muheetus Sarakhsi, Tahtaawi.” (Vol.6)

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