Ulama Inviting Allah’s Wrath!

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18 Shawwaal 1441 / 11 June 2020


Ulama, Trustees and Imaams – Openly Inviting The Wrath Of Allah Upon Us!

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“Straighten the Sufoof (rows); stand shoulder to shoulder; FILL the GAPS……And do not leave GAPS for Shaitaan. Allah will join the person who joins the Saffs and sever the person who severs the Saffs.” (Abu Dawood, Ahmad, Baihaqi, Riyaadhus-Saaliheen, etc.)

In these explicit and blessed words of Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) both, good news and ‘bad’ news are sounded! The Hadith COMMANDS that GAPS be FILLED!

THE GOOD NEWS: Allah will join the one who takes the ‘trouble’ to straighten the Saff by standing shoulder to shoulder thus FILLING the GAPS and not letting Shaitaan fill-up those GAPS, as explicitly stated in the Hadith, which many Imaams, Ulama – like UUCSA’s and JUSA’s Ulama – and Trustees have enforced in the name of ‘social distancing’ in which 1.2-1.5m and even MORE SPACES and GAPS are deliberately and intentionally left between Musallis!

The word ‘join’ (in Arabic the word ‘Wasala’ is used in the Hadith) means that such a person will be enshrouded in the Mercy (Rahmah) and Blessings (Barakah) of Allah Ta’ala! If a person is in Allah’s Mercy, then definitely he is far from Allah’s Wrath!

THE BAD NEWS: Allah will sever the one who breaks apart the Saffs! The word ‘sever’ (in Arabic the word ‘Qata’a’ is used in the Hadith) means that such a person will be cut-off, severed or distanced from the Rahmah and Barakah of Allah Ta’ala. If a person is away from Allah’s Rahmah, then he is doomed for His Wrath! Such a person is far, very far away from Allah’s Mercy!  

The modern-Ulama, Imaams, Trustees and even Musallis who are practising social distancing are DIRECTLY inviting ALLAH’S AZAAB on their communities and upon our country! Social distancing in Salaah is HARAAM! Such a Salaah is NOT a Salaah, but rather a ‘mock-Salaah’!

No genuine Aalim, Mufti, Jamiat or any organisation consisting of Ulama will EVER enforce such a Shaitaani–alien practice in our Masaajid! You have read the above Hadith with your own eyes sounding the warning of Allah’s Azaab if we do social distancing in Salaah.                                                                                            

Now you decide which Ulama are ardent followers of the Sunnah and which ‘Ulama’ are government-puppets!

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