Voting – Must I Vote?

23 Rabiul-Awwal 1443 / 30 October 2021

Voting – Must I Vote Or Not?

Question: I would like to know from you whether I should vote or not? Previously, organisations known as ulema encouraged Musliems to vote in the country’s elections. Please provide your opinion for me to gain a solution, Shukran.

Answer: There is a Hadith Shareef which our Ulama quote, which is as follows:                                    

“Your deeds are your rulers.”

Recently, we read a good saying which perfectly fits in the picture of elections, which reads as follows, ‘When you smell mud, its rain, but when you smell tar, its elections’.

No man with sense needs any proof-packed reasons regarding the dirty game of ‘politics’, especially in the current times our country is passing.

The Following Facts Are Undeniable:

  1. Electricity: Our government has miserably failed in providing its citizen with electricity. See how much of loss of production this is costing the industries/factories, businesses and even general citizens. Besides that, the costly damages caused to appliances by daily load-shedding is an expensive thing which will not be paid for by the president. Hence, the president has left his country in a total electricity crisis and a mess! Just see how the load-shedding stages changes quicker than what people change their clothing – from stage 2 to a huge jump of stage 4 in just seconds!
  2. Water: Our government has again failed its people by failing to provide flowing water to the many informal settlements in SA. Today, even so-called ‘top-class’ residential areas have an ongoing and a daily water-cut crisis which turns out to be a nightmare for the citizens. Water is life. Without water, there is no life. The government has neglected this basic human necessity! What a sad state of affairs for our country which has all the means, infrastructure and other requirements to ensure water is available to everyone. But, the corruption makes the stealing more delicious than repairing the water pipes, etc. to ensure water flows in the country!
  3. Health: Failing public health access in SA is not a lie. The government has failed in providing basic health necessities to its very own people. At times, citizens are mistreated and ignored for hours when laying helplessly on hospital beds, seeking medical treatment! O yes, the only ‘thing’ the government worries about is to poison its citizens with an experimental jab for covid! Even during the riots, when people’s lives were feared, the president’s harped concern was the disruption caused to the vaccine rollout by the rioting and looting. What a sad and pitiful state of the government which seems not to be aware where its priorities should be!
  4. Roads: The quote we mentioned above explains the roads we drive on. Potholes are basically left for months and years. Before elections, they seem to get fixed. Why only pre-elections? Are we citizens only for voting? The rest of the time we are herds of sheep or worthless people who deserve no service delivery?
  5. Failing municipalities: Some municipalities have been on strikes for over a month. No refuse is taken in such big towns for over a month! Only a blind voter will vote for a government which is so corrupt.

Other facts:

While we mentioned 5 solid facts above, we shall briefly pen a few more:

  1. SAA is a local airline. All are supposed to know the recent status of this airline.
  2. Unemployment is a disaster in SA.
  3. Collapsing infrastructure is caused due to total neglect of maintenance, or, due to corruption between the government and the contractors.
  4. Corruption is a fact which shines as bright as the sun even in the dark hours of the night while Eskom load-sheds at stage 8! No one cannot know of the huge tons of valuable money which is gone ‘missing’ from our country!
  5. Covid is a disease our government reacted as dictated by the oppressive Billionaires of the world by enforcing SA citizens into lockdown, masking and vaccinating. This hoax only sees benefit for the government as they appear to keep receiving bribes for their fear-mongering related to covid and its various waves. How can politicians who can’t account for millions of Rands that are ‘missing’, inform its citizens of ‘new cases’ on a daily basis?

While there are too many other points, we shall leave it here. We have also read certain people’s (non-Muslims) articles and comments which were shared with us by others in the form of newspaper articles, explaining their opinions on elections, corruption and similar other content.

Yes, there may be good political parties, but we can’t rule regarding them due to being unaware as to how they will be when they come into power. While ‘Muslim’ political parties seemed to be the ‘ideal alternative’, the ones we have are such who are fanatics of politics which means they give preference to politics over Deen, resulting in the sacrificing of the Deen they represent. Some of them have enlarged Haraam pictures of themselves on streetlamps and street corners. Some also offered flowers to the accursed statue of a Mushrik named Ghandi! Can we trust they will rule in favour of Islaam should they come into power?

Also, political parties who side with the homeless people calling themselves ‘Israel’, or who support the Dajjaali ‘New World Order’, who support poisonous jabs and who call for the closure of religious places of worship show their true colours!

Our opinion is the same as the opinion of the Ulama-e-Haq – DON’T VOTE! Indeed, the politicians are known as big liars, men of empty promises, corrupted, thieves and those who don’t care much for their citizens, especially the low class ones!

Islamic Alternative:

  1. Make Taubah for closing the Masaajid even before it was made law
  2. Start adhering more rigidly to Allah’s Laws over the man-made/atheist-made protocols
  3. Men to read ALL Salaahs in the Masjid
  4. Ladies to stop driving, stop galavanting and prowling the malls and streets especially in lewd and modern dressing and in the absence of their husbands/fathers (i.e. Mahram)
  5. Stop watching TV, listening to news on radios – even radio/channel “Islam”
  6. Stop the mass wastage in the name of weddings, halls, family functions, Walimahs, etc.

Insha Allah, if we change in the above 6 points, then Allah Ta’ala will appoint over us rulers accordingly! Yes, our current rulers are a mirror of our actions pertaining to Deen.

It is truly mindboggling to know how ‘Ulama’ can promote voting for the leading and popular political parties that are guilty of the corruption and failure of the country we penned in this article! Are such gentlemen ‘Ulama’ or politicians?!

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