Natural Remedies (Constipation)


Remedy: 1

– 500g soowa

– 250g ajmo

– 2 Tblsp asafoetida (heeng)

– 2 Tblsp black salt

– 75g senna leaves

Roast ajmo and soowa. When cool grind everything together in a coffee grinder. Have a teaspoon of the mixture every now and again.

Remedy: 2

Ispaghul (husk) – mixed with honey and warm water.

Remedy: 3

– 1-2 tsp somph (fennel)

– 1 cup water

– 1 cinnamon stick

– 1 tsp black jeeru (cumin)

Boil till ¾ cup water then drink.

Remedy: 4

Soak a few prunes overnight. Drink the water in the morning.

Remedy: 5

-1 Tblsp olive oil every night before sleeping.

Remedy: 6

– Prunes

– Raisins

– Figs

Remedy: 7

– Warm honey water

Remedy: 8

Add 2 Tblsp apple-cider vinegar to a glass of water. Drink mixture 3x a day. The vinegar can be mixed with apple juice or grape juice to make it more palatable.

Remedy: 9

2-3 glasses of warm water an hour before breakfast.

Remedy: 10

Boil prunes in water – dried or fresh. Add 1 lemon peel and cinnamon. Strain and drink.