
Muslims who wish to contribute should strictly contribute to reliable organizations. It is Haraam to contribute even for the earthquake-relief work to organizations and Ulama that closed or supported the closure of the Masaajid during covid. If they couldn’t uphold the Haq of Allah’s Houses during the PLANdemic, how can we trust them to fulfil the right (Haq) of our contributions?

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Soccer Hero Or Soccer Zero?

It is an accepted fact that the soccer players wear kits. The ‘trousers’ of these kits are ‘shorts’, which reveal their knees. In Islam – the True and Correct Deen of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam and NOT the watered down Deen of the modernists, TV-scholars, interfaith-scholars, sport-scholars, matric well-wishing scholars, etc. – teaches us that the KNEES should be covered as they are regarded as SATR

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