The Shi’ah Saga Part 1

5 Shawwaal 1439/19 June 2018

The Qur’an’s verdict regarding the Sahaabah
The Incorrect Beleifs of the Shi’ahs

The Qur’aan Majeed hands over the certificate and licence of true, proper and righteous Mu’mineen to the Sahaabah:
“Those who accepted Imaan, made Hijrah and waged Jihaad in the Path of Allah and those who gave asylum (i.e. the Ansaar) and assisted them (the Muhaajireen), UNDOUBTEDLY they are the true Mu’mineen. For them is Maghfirah and a gracious Rizq.” (Surah Anfaal)

When such is the status of the Sahaabah, that the Qur’aan Majeed is replete with their praises, then how can any sane Muslim ever curse , swear, insult, question and crack dirty, light and rude jokes of the Sahaabah? Na’uthu-billah

This is exactly what the Shi’as do. They insult the Sahaabah—can they be called Muslims? Never! They are among the deviates.

They name the great Sheikhul-Hadith of this Ummah, Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu as a fabricator of Hadith!

In Australia, one Shi’a got hold of a copy of Riyaadus-Saaliheen and wrote on its cover ‘THE NEW TESTAMENT ACCORDING TO ABU HURAIRAH’! So, can Shi’ahs still be called Muslims? Never! They are among the non-Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah, masquerading as Muslims.

The Love for Hazrat Abu Hurairah by Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

 Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam had so much of love for HazratAbu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu, that he (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said:
“O Allah! Endear your servant (Hazrat Abu Hurairah) and his mother
to Your BELIEVING SERVANTS and endear the believers to them.”
(Muslim Shareef)

Believing servants—Means the Muslim Ummah. The Shi’as are not part of this group, hence they do not have love for this great Sahaabi, Hazrat AbuHurairah Radhiyallahu anhu! Therefore, O Muslim Ummah! O Members of the Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah! Do not be surprised at the Shi’as and others mocking and joking about Hazrat Abu Hurairah Radhiyallahu anhu! What did Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam warn us of regarding people who joke about Sahaabah and find faults in their lives? The Hadith, proclaimed at the top of the Imaams voices during the second Jumu’ah Khutbah, from the Mimbars in innumerable Masaajid throughout the world says: “Those who hate the Sahaabah, hate them because (in reality) they hate me.”

After reading this, which is not even a drop of the innumerable facts Ulama have written regarding the proves of the incorrect beliefs of Shi’ahs, nevertheless, it is presented for the benefit of those who are in search for simple, little and to-the-point articles regarding the Shi’ah saga.

We will, Insha Allah, try to write more on this imperative issue regarding the Shi’ahs. The need has come due to may Shi’ah sympathisers have made their sympathy public. Some organizations have also done so. We have seen this in the Shi’ah Verulam issue in which one man died.

We request one and all to keep us in their pious and humble Du’as.

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