A Deeni Student Is Never Despised!

People complain that those who pursue Islamic education (i.e. higher Deeni studies normally studied at a Darul-Uloom) are despised by the modernists.

My advice is: You (i.e. Islamic students) too should despise them. This is the Sunnat of Nabi Nooh (Alaihis salaam) who said to his people: ‘If you mock at us, we too shall mock at you just as you are mocking.’

My nephew was once travelling on a train during his childhood days. Along the journey he met a top ranking police officer who asked: ‘Why is it that every student of Arabic (Islamic Education) has a clean-shaved head?’ (At that time my nephew was studying Arabic, i.e. higher Islamic studies.)

My nephew instantly responded: ‘Why is it that every student of western education has a clean-shave face?’

This witty answer silenced the police officer.

(Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alaih)

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