A Destructive Statement!

23 Safar 1441 / 11 October 2020

A Destructive Statement Hurled Against The Masaajid – By A Muslim!

The Masaajid Are Allah’s Houses, And He Will Deal With Those Who Destroy His Houses!

Beware – Allah’s Whip Is Soundless!

Allah Ta’ala beautifully announces in His Pure and Holy Kalaam: “Whoever honours (sincerely) the Landmarks (Distinctive Signs) of (the Deen of) Allah (which are unique to Islam – like the Masaajid), then this (respect) is because of the Taqwa of hearts (respect for these Landmarks such as the Masaajid denotes Taqwa in a person’s heart.)” (Hajj, Aayat 32)

We have received the following statement which is an anti-Masjid utterance made by a journalist who is part of the ‘friends of the Kuffar – enemies of Allah’ crew – the very same ones who in the Masjid court case fought tooth and nail to keep the Masaajid SHUT! Allah Ta’ala has warned that anyone who STOPS / PREVENTS another from His House (MASJID), will suffer DISGRACE in this world, while a terrible torment (Azaab) awaits him / them in the Aakhirah – if they die without Taubah!

Remember, a sin made in public requires Taubah in public. Hence, until the ‘enemies of the Masaajid / friends of the Kuffar (amicus) – the actual enemies of Allah’ don’t make sincere public Taubah and stop promoting un-Islamic activities and guidelines of atheists and Kuffar politicians whom they always endeavour to please, it remains the Islamic and Qur’anic Haq (right) for the Ummah to be informed that those who shut the Masaajid down are regarded as the VILEST OF OPPRESSORS. In this regard, we are not to be branded as a ‘name calling’ group, rather, we are merely stating the Islamic and Qur’anic Haq which probably is too bitter to gulp for all the modern-thinking amicus-type ‘Ulama’ and all their blind supporters. In the following Aayat one will see how clearly Allah Ta’ala brands the one who stops another from entering the Masjid as the GREATEST OPPRESSOR:

“Who is a greater (viler and worst) ZAALIM (oppressor) than the one who prevents from the Masaajid of Allah that Zikr be made therein (i.e. stops people from entering and making Ibaadat), and he strives in the destruction of the Masaajid?” (Baqarah, Aayat 114)

The following is truly a statement which indirectly challenges Allah Ta’ala:

#COVID19inSA I decided to go to mosque in #Lenasia first time since recovering from the #Coronavirus. What I observed was shocking! At least 300 people in the mosque including elderly, with majority not wearing masks, coughing & no social distancing at all. This is unacceptable!!

(We were told that very soon after this was posted on social media, it was deleted – why?)

It is farfetched for the above statement to be made by anyone who believes in the fact that at a time of a crisis, assistance and Divine Aid will be attracted by going and filling the Masaajid according to the Shari’ah’s guidelines – not by preventing the elderly, or by observing guidelines in the Masaajid that are against the Shari’ah! Alas! The years of demolishing the Laws of Deen have perhaps reduced one to this pitiful state of making one utter such dangerous words against the Masaajid which are among the Landmarks of Allah Ta’ala and Deen!  

A Masjid is the Sanctuary of a Muslim male. The frequenting of the Masaajid by a Muslim is a sign of Imaan. Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that one should bear witness to the Imaan of the one who frequents the Masjid. Likewise, when the sweeper of the Masjid passed away and the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) did the burial, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) went to the Qabr to make Du’a and asked the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum) as to why they didn’t inform him about the Janaazah. This shows that even the (Muslim) cleaners of the Masjid are noble, what to speak about the Masjid itself?

A Hadith is mentioned in Fazaail-e-A’maal that when Allah intends to destroy a community, He withholds His Azaab due to a group of people frequenting the Masjid. Allahu-Akbar! And in our current situation, a Muslim broadcasts on his social media platform/s that the Musallis in the Masjid he attended never obey man-made, atheist-made, alien-to-Deen guidelines?! He has a ‘complaint’ that the elderly were permitted to enter the Masjid, and that neither social distancing nor wearing of masks were observed. Does this not show that he was really feeling ‘out of place’ in the Masjid, whereas he was in the Purest, Safest and Holiest of places on the surface of the earth? What a shame! What a pitiful state!

A Hadith states that when the winds blew stronger, Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) hastened to the Masjid! Every true believer in Allah to be the only Rabb will find safety and security in the Masjid while observing Islamic-guidelines. Mu’mineen who attend the Masjid will love seeing the Masaajid filled and the Sufoof having no Shaitaani-gaps!  

The fact is, those who were in the fore to SHUT DOWN and fight the court case for keeping the Masaajid CLOSED will never be happy and pleased to see the Masaajid filled in accordance to the Shari’ah guidelines. If they make a sincere and public Taubah in an unambiguous manner, then the love for Allah, His Houses and the Sunnah will govern them to love seeing Muslims following Allah and not following man-made laws designed by Allah’s enemies, the atheists, mini-Dajjals and the governments who don’t have the interest of the citizens at heart!

(To read (or download) as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/A-destructive-statement.pdf)