A Haraam Night of Solidarity

22 Rajab 1440 / 29 March 2019

It is undoubtedly sad to note that Ulama who are supposed to be practical examples of Taqwa, Ittibaa-e-Sunnat (following the Sunnah) and staunch adherents of the Shari’ah, organized an interfaith event which was to be held at Sultan Bahu Hall, which is supposed to be Muslim owned. May Allah Ta’ala protect us from His Azaab, Aameen.

For the sake of those who are interested in the Haq and to whom this article is directed, we shall, Insha Allah, explain in brief more on the Kufr of interfaith seminars.

What is an interfaith event?

In short, interfaith is when members of the community as well as the learned of some religions like the bishop, guru, priest, rabbi etc. gather at one place in which they (the learned) speak, pray, talk etc. in the name of their gods, religion, idols, holy books etc. Each learned religious man representing his religion is given an amount of time to speak and pray, all in the name of his religion. No member is allowed to speak against, question another or debate with another’s religion.

Is interfaith Haraam?

To state interfaith is Haraam is rather mild. Interfaith is Kufr! Interfaith is Kufr for Muslims to participate in for the simple reason that Kufr and Shirk are dinned into the ears of the audience when the religious scholars with Kufr and Shirk beliefs pray, call and talk in the name of their gods etc.

Did the Sahaabah give Da’wat by an interfaith meeting?

The Kitaabs of history are replete with the golden incidents of the great Sahaabah Radhiyallahu anhum who marched into the palaces and castles of the Romans and Persians with the message of Tawheed and the Qur’an. The Sahaabah did NOT organize a meeting of interfaith and allow their ears to be dinned with the Kufr and Shirk of the Romans and Persians. The Sahaabah could never have tolerated such a gathering! They were staunch lovers of Allah and His Rasool, how could they have ever allowed Kuffaar to speak openly in the name of their religions in their presence?

History bears testimony to the fact that when the Sahaabah went to the lands and terrains of the Kuffaar, they (the Sahaabah) made their message of Tawheed clear. Never did they come to the compromise of each learned man of his religion be given few minutes to speak, as is the agenda at interfaith meetings.

Yes, when the Sahaabah were questioned by the Kuffaar kings about Islam, they answered the questions. They never allow Islam and the Words of Tawheed to be suppressed like at interfaith meetings.

It is unbecoming of Muslims, especially Ulama, to ridicule Islam and the Words of Tawheed by joining ties with Kuffaar. This interfaith meeting of solidarity with New Zealand is just one of them which we have come to know, and which is organized by an organisation of Ulama.

Ulama are supposed to link-up and strengthen the connection and bond of the Ummah with Allah Ta’ala. Once this link and bond have been strengthened, then the Aid and Nusrat from the heavens will be rapidly pouring forth in favour of the Ummah!

And strengthening the bond with Allah Ta’ala cannot be done when the Ulama remain silent on the many wrongs and Haraam taking place in the Ummah. Neither can this be done when Ulama themselves are many times in the fore-front indulging publicly in sinful activities. When Ulama themselves will become ‘Haq-parast’ (worshippers of the Haq) and not ‘Nafs-parast’ (worshippers of the carnal desires), by branding all TV programs as Haraam, photography as Haraam, carrion and commercially killed chickens as Haraam, stunned meats as Haraam, MMB Kufr Bills as Haraam and Kufr, marriage conferences as Haraam, calling politicians to Eidgahs as Haraam, allowing non-Muslims in Masaajid in the name of ‘mosque open days’ as Haraam, branding all so-called ‘Islamic’ banks as Haraam, branding women who come on air on so-called ‘Islamic’ radios as Haraam, openly speaking out against the modern, western and Hindu-type weddings and customs at and before weddings of Muslims as Haraam etc. etc. etc., then will we see the Doors of Nusrat and Divine Aid at our disposal, Insha Allah, Aameen.

If the Ulama-e-Haq do not speak out against these acts, then soon such interfaith meetings will be held right in the Masaajid, as has happened in London a few months ago. Hence, the obligation of Nahi anil Munkar done by the Ulama-e-Haq should not be viewed with contempt by the masses. 

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