A Letter Of Concern To The President About Vaccines

(The following letter is copied as received)

His Excellency, Cyril Ramaphosa,

President of South Africa

30th January 2021

African Union Commission
Bureau of the Chairperson

Tel. +251-115-51-77-00, Ext. 2804
Direct. +251-115-18-28-04

Email: chairperson@africa-union.org;

Your Excellency,


On 14 January 2021, the Chairperson of the African Union – President Cyril Ramaphosa,, announced that the African Union had secured a provisional 270 million COVID-19 vaccine doses (at 7 billion USD) on behalf of its Member States, through advance procurement commitment guarantees of up to US$2 billion to the manufacturers by the African Export-Import Bank. Nigeria has written to the African Union to request 10 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to supplement the COVAX programme and has allocated $26 million for licensed vaccine production.

The COVAX programme backed by the World Health Organization (WHO) that aims to secure fair access to COVID-19 vaccines for poor countries, and expects to receive its first doses in late January and early February. Under the COVAX facility, only WHO-approved vaccines can be bought. So far, only Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine has been listed for emergency use by the WHO. The process to approve Moderna and Astrazeneza vaccines is ongoing. The option open to most African countries under COVAX is the Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA vaccine. Although, the Seychelles, Morocco and Egypt are administering the Chinese-made Sinopharm vaccine and Guinea, the Russian Sputnik V.

We wish to draw your attention to very important scientific observations from available published research regarding the mRNA Genetic Devices listed as vaccines produced by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna. Some of these observations were also outlined in a petition by former Pfizer vice president and scientific director Dr. Michael Yeadon and German lung specialist and parliamentarian Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg. Both Drs Yeadon and Wodarg have filed an urgent application (Attached here) with the European Medicine Agency calling for the immediate suspension of all SARS-CoV-2 vaccine studies – particularly the BioNtech/Pfizer study on BNT162b (EudraCT number 2020-002641-42).

Our Major Concerns are:

  1. The mRNA Vaccines Could Cause Infertility in African Women.

The vaccinations are expected to produce antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2. However, spike proteins also contain syncytin-homologous proteins, which are essential for the formation of the placenta in humans. It must be absolutely ruled out that, a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 could trigger an immune reaction against syncytin-1, as otherwise infertility of indefinite duration could result in vaccinated women.

The protein Syncytin forms the envelope coat of the virus and shares similar characteristics with the proteins in the human placenta. It is plausible that antibodies against this Syncytin protein will also attack the human placenta causing miscarriages in African women of child-bearing age. The scientific description is given in an article by Sha Mi et al., titled

“Syncytin is a captive retroviral envelope protein involved in human placentalmorphogenesis” published in Nature 2000 Feb 17;403(6771):785-9. doi: 10.1038/35001608. (ATTACHED).


A. It is plausible that, the new mRNA corona virus vaccines for Africa will likely cause immune cells to attack placenta cells, causing female infertility, miscarriage or birth defects in Africans. No one can at this time give any assurance that this possibility does not exist since it has never been tested.

B. We cannot afford to subject the African population as guinea pigs for the pharmaceutical industry. We are not sure that the type and constituents of the mRNA vaccines given in USA and Europe are exactly the same as that to be given in Africa. If they were the same, Africa would not have 270 million doses, while Europe and UK struggle to obtain sufficient amounts in this era of Vaccine Nationalism. The only reason for the exception is that, we are not talking on the same terms about the same vaccine. Some COVID-19 medications have been marked NOT FOR DISTRIBUTION IN USA, CANADA OR EUROPE! (See Attached).

C. It has been the desired aim of the key sponsors of the mRNA vaccines to depopulate Africa! This is their opportunity NOW!

Remdesivir not for distribution in US copy.jpg

  1. The mRNA Vaccines contains Polyethylene glycol (PEG) that Cause Allergy in Africans.

70% of people develop antibodies against this substance PEG – this means that many people can develop allergic, potentially fatal reactions to the vaccination See article by Banerji A e al., titled “mRNA Vaccines to Prevent COVID-19 Disease and Reported Allergic Reactions: Current Evidence and Approach.” Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology In Practice · December 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaip.2020.12.047. Africans are highly susceptible to allergies compared to other racial groups as suggested by Wegienka G. et al., in an article titled “Racial Differences in Allergic Sensitization: Recent Findings and Future Directions.” Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2013 June ; 13(3): 255–261. doi:10.1007/s11882-013-0343-2. (ATTACHED).

  1. The so-called mRNA Vaccine is NOT A VACCINE but it is a Genetic device.

The mRNA so-called vaccines are GENETIC DEVICES carrying genetic codes for genetic engineering of the human body similar to the genetic manipulation in plants called RNA interference. The messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) molecules carry the genetic information needed to make proteins. In the human cell, mRNA carry the information from the DNA in the nucleus of the cell to the cytoplasm where the proteins are made. For COVID-19 mRNA devices, the mRNA carry the instructions needed to tell the body how to create a piece of the “spike protein” unique to SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. In the same manner, the mRNA genetic devices can be coded to make amyloid protein in all Africans that receive it, which could result in mass dementia. This form of mass genetic engineering must not be allowed. It is criminal and its mandatory enforcement violates the Helsinki Declaration. The pharmaceutical companies are not taking any liabilities for producing this COVID-19 vaccines. Only the naïve would trust their sincerity. It must not be forgotten that, 25 years ago, in 1996, when Pfizer used their experimental antibiotic Trovan that caused the death of Nigerian children in Kano during the meningitis epidemic that killed 12,000 people. Right now Pfizer and Moderna cannot be sued and the government cannot compensate citizens who die or experience severe side effects after getting the COVID-19 vaccine. The United States government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability if something unintentionally goes wrong with the vaccines, and that immunity extends to Africa, because we cannot sue them in their home country USA. This contravenes all International Human Rights Protocols.

  1. mRNA Vaccine Contains mNeonGreen Bio-luminescent Ingredient as a Sensor for Tracking Human Activity in One World Government Elucidated in Microsoft Patent WO/060606 [ATTACHED]

The mNeonGreen polyclonal antibody is one of the “Brainbow” collection which has been used in a multicolor labeling strategy for the fluorescent imaging of neuronal circuits in animals and now to be implemented in humans. The mNeonGreen, is an ingredient with bio-luminescent properties described in detail in an article by Shaner NC et al., titled “A bright monomeric green fluorescent protein derived from Branchiostoma lanceolatum.” Nature Methods Vol.10, pages 407–409(2013) (ATTACHED). The question being asked by investigators is: why is this ingredient, taken from marine invertebrates, being used in the vaccines? The answer to this question can only be found on review of the long-term strategic goal of some sponsors of the COVAX program, to established a One World Government with Totalitarian Control of the African Population. The description of how this would work was given in a patent document Patent WO/2020/060606 registered on 26 March 2020, so-called Patent 666. The patent application was filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by Bill Gates, back on 20 June 2019, and, on 22 April 2020, the patent was granted international status. The title of the patent is “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”. The abstract of the online patent describe the following: “Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is verified.”

An excerpt taken from page 5 of the Detailed Description of the Embodiment says:

The sensor 140 may transmit information/data to user device 130. Sensor 140 may include, for example, but not limited to, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners or sensors, electroencephalography (EEG) sensors, near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) sensors, heart rate monitors, thermal sensors, optical sensors, radio frequency (RF) sensors, ultrasonic sensors, cameras, or any other sensor or scanner that can measure or sense body activity or scan human body.

It therefore follows that the developers of the system intend to use the mRNA vaccine as the vehicle to inject the mNeonGreen – tracer into Africans as a sensor that emits radio frequency (RF) signals which could be tracked using a 5G mobile network system with the capability for total surveillance of the entire human activity of the African population vaccinated! Such an incredible population control data would be used for all manner of purposes including overthrow of governments, outright elimination of opposition politicians, ethnic and racial cleansing.

Termination of the so-called COVID-19 Vaccination Program is a matter of Urgent National Security for All African Countries.

  1. We hereby request that the COVAX program for Africa be terminated immediately.
  2. All African countries would review the available COVID-19 vaccines in the market and apply their use based on local indications to the most vulnerable groups.
  3. The choice of vaccine type must be based on data-driven safety standards led by local regulators.
  4. The PCR diagnostic criteria for case definition has to be revised and the high rate of false-positives revised downwards.
  5. Indigenous Vaccine Production at Regional Centers in Africa should be prioritized.

We thank you in anticipation.

Academician Dr Philip Njemanze MD (Hons.)

Chairman, Global Prolife Alliance for the Committee on International Affairs