A Panel Discussion On Vaccines – Karaan And Co.

A Panel Discussion Consisting Of Modernists – For The Modernists!

Taha Karaan – amidst modernists to discuss Halaal-Haraam matters!?!?

“Birds of a feather flock together”

These ‘Muslims’ are hard at work to water down the Deen, the Sunnah, the Shari’ah and the efforts of the Ulama-e-Haq whom they are the enemies of!

Clearly warning the Kuffaar, deviates, modernists, Munaafiqeen and so-called ‘Ulama’ (like JUSA, UUCSA, MJC, their supporters, SANHA, Radio ‘Islam’ and iTV, etc.) of being unable to cause any sort of harm to Allah’s Deen, Allah Ta’ala beautifully announces in His Kalaam-e-Paak:

“They intend to extinguish Allah’s Light (Islaam/Shari’ah/Sunnah/the Haq) with their mouths. However, Allah shall bring His Light to completion even though the non-believers hate it.” (Saff, Aayat 8)

Prophesizing victory to the people of the Haq (Ahl-e-Haq / Ulama-e-Haq), Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) guarantees the following:

“There will ALWAYS remain a group of people from my Ummah who will be triumphant on the Haq. Those who oppose them or abandon them will not be able to harm them. This will continue until the Command of Allah arrives.” (Muslim Shareef, Bukhari Shareef has similar wording)

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) also warned of the type of circles of friends one adopts to have a direct effect upon one’s Deen, in the following loving words:

“A person is upon the Deen (religion, creed) of his friend. Therefore, one should look (i.e. be cautious) at whom one befriends.” (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi)

We’ve received a message indicating a panel discussion to be held to ‘clear up the confusions surrounding Covid Vaccination’. Unfortunately, among the panellists is one so-called ‘scholar’ named ‘Taha Karaan’. Just recently, we had written three simple points explaining why Taha Karaan is unreliable in terms of the Shari’ah. Had this ‘scholar’ not been part of the panel discussion, there would be no need to issue any article on this matter because besides the ‘scholar’, the rest are modernist professionals who have no iota of the understanding of Deen, based on their appearances which have no semblance of the Sunnah. However, since this program appears to hoodwink ignorant Muslims by applying ‘sugar’ to filth and calling it a ‘health drink’, i.e. letting a ‘scholar’ sit with modernists to give the program an ‘Islamic’ theme, this write-up is necessary.

On the one hand, our Akaabireen have stressed regarding the importance of adopting the company of the pious – Allah-fearing – personalities, the Ahlullah and Ulama-e-Haq. They have stated that Deen cannot be thoroughly, entirely and practically learnt and understood through the means of Kitaabs only, but through the companionship of the Ahlullah. That is, the Ahlullah and Ulama-e-Haq will teach, show and guide us along onto Deen if we remain and frequent their company.

Sitting with a clear and open heart in the company of the Ahlullah will be extremely fruitful. Many were the ones who were ‘hell-bent’ on Baatil. A mere session in the company of one of the Ulama-e-Haq changed their entire thinking and ideology. Their ticket to Jannat was given free of charge! Such is the effects of the Majaalis of the Ahlullah and Ulama-e-Haq. Allahu-Akbar!

On the other hand, dedicating time to the company of men whose appearance is not even matching the Sunnah will have a very negative effect. Adding salt to an open wound, one then comes on Haraam YouTube which involves photography – which is cursed, in fact the warning of being recipients of the severest Azaab is sounded clearly in the Hadith for photography – as well as on other radio stations to discuss with modernists who are modern-thinking as to whether vaccines are Halaal or not! Since when Halaal-Haraam matters of Deen are based on the views of modernists who don’t even have a semblance of the Sunnah in their appearance? If that was the case, students of Deen should go to shameless universities which are the dens of Zina to learn ‘Deen’ from the ‘Muslim lecturers’! Why then are there so many Darul-Ulooms establsihed? 

Why is Taha Karaan, in fact the entire crowd of UUCSA, JUSA and MJC as well as IMASA and others, not seen frequenting the company and circles of the Ahlullah and the Ulama-e-Haq? The circles they adopt consist of the Kuffaar, interfaith leaders, women, modernists, presidents and rulers, and the likes. These are their friends, regarding whom the Hadith Shareef in the beginning is sufficient as a warning.    

Allah Ta’ala’s System is indeed marvellous! Perhaps, Allah Ta’ala is exposing further unreliability of Taha Karaan in terms of the Shari’ah for all to see in this panel discussion program wherein he joins modernists, beard-shavers, anti-Shari’ah dressed professionals, some of whom appear to be the employees of Bill Gates and Melinda Gates Foundation – the enemies of humanity, the depopulators of the world! It seems that their entire program is channelled to make Muslims believe covid vaccines are ‘Halaal’.

If Taha Karaan is indeed sincere in discussing the Halaal-Haraam nature of the covid vaccines, he should go to the experts in Deen, the Ulama-e-Haq. He should go to the Ahlullah and the Ulama-e-Haq who were in the company of the great and illustrious Akaabireen and who have given their lives in teaching Deen. They have dedicated their entire day and night in researching Fataawaa, making Mutaala’ah of Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh, etc. He should go to the Ulama who are not sitting side-by-side with women in accursed TV studios, nor chatting, giggling and even flirting with ladies on radio stations such as Radio ‘Islam’. Just like when a person wants some electricity job to be done in his house, he will NOT hire a plumber to do the job. Likewise, finding the Halaal-Haraam nature of things is part of Deen, hence the right men are to be sought for the answers! Surely, Ulama who are engrossed entirely in such great Deeni work as mentioned above will be masters in the matters of Deen, in diagnosing the nature of Halaal and Haraam, etc. Unlike modernists!

It should be noted that vaccines in terms of the Pure and Pristine Shari’ah, are HARAAM. In the words of the Ulama-e-Haq, vaccines are called ‘filth’. Apart from the Ulama-e-Haq, even experts have warned of the side effects of vaccines. Vaccines are also known to sterilize females. The list of the harms of vaccines are many. A research on this matter will bring many more points to light.

Several articles explain the dangerous side effects and even patients that are still testing ‘positive’ of covid despite taking the covid vaccine. Taha Karaan perhaps intends to desensitize South African Muslims into branding this vaccine as ‘Halaal’ to make Muslims take it.

These ‘scholars’ have started the work they have perhaps been tasked with by the government when recently the president met with religious leaders. As indicated, the government wants religious leaders to play a role in rolling out the vaccines.

While Taha Karaan has started putting into action this activity of Shaitaaniyat, JUSA and UUCSA are yet to begin – soon?

We will not be surprised if a call is made by the ‘Ulama’-e-government to use the Masaajid for which they went to court to keep SHUT to vaccinate Muslims!

Vaccines are Haraam even if ‘Halaal’ logos are pasted on them or even if ‘Ulama’ brand them as ‘Halaal’!

Any program discussing the Halaal-Haraam point of view of vaccines by modernists and modern-‘Ulama’ should be ignored!

Adopt the company of the Ulama-e-Haq!

Seek Deeni guidance from the Ulama-e-Haq!

(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Ml-Karaan-pro-vaccines.pdf)