A Sad Week For SA Muslims

22 Dhul-Hijjah 1442 / 2 August 2021

Another Sad Week Dawns Upon South African Muslims – ‘UUCSA’s MMB Issue’

Allah Ta’ala says, “And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed (Shari’ah) are truly the oppressors.” (Maaidah, 45) [Also, see the ending of verses 44 and 47 of Surah Maaidah]

Indeed, another sad week dawns upon the Muslims of South Africa! This week, 2 August 2021 to 8 August 2021, is a week in which there will be a battle between Baatil and Haq and (between) a junior’s (student’s) endeavours and his senior’s (Ustaad’s) Ta’leem.

The party of Baatil intends to introduce many feminist un-Islamic and Haraam ideas down the throat of Islam. To achieve the feminist Shaitaaniyat of theirs, they are marching to court to fight for this Shaitaani case. On the other hand, the Army of Haq which may be just one or two groups per se in the court, in reality the Army of the Haq consists of the Ulama-e-Haq, the group of professionals (lawyers, accountants, etc.) of Haq, the over 5000+ (FIVE THOUSAND) signatures of the petition setup for this purpose and EVERY SINGLE  Muslim and Muslimah who is happy with Allah’s Shari’ah of over 1400 years taught to us by Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). 

While in the party of Baatil, an entity calling itself ‘United Ulama Council’, seems to see this court case to be an ideal opportunity to reveal more of its true colours and to make public some of its ‘feminist’ ideologies it may have, befriends the court in favour of the party of Baatil which is set to fight in favour of the MMB Bill. Regarding how ‘United’ this entity really is, we shall Insha Allah discuss it in another statement which we intend to release later.

The saddest part is that UUCSA’s secretary is going directly AGAINST the teachings of one of his honourable Ustaads who is a senior Aalim and Mufti of South Africa! What a disgrace and shame is this not!? How can the secretary of UUCSA even sleep and eat in peace knowing very well that his own Ustaad is opposing the feminist propaganda for which his organisation is befriending the court – in favour of the MMB Bill?

In one of his famous Kitaabs named ‘Al-ilm Wal-Ulama’, Hakeemul Ummat Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullahi alaih) quotes the Hadith wherein Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said that the one who imparts to someone knowledge becomes the life-long slave of his Ustaad. These are Kitaabs of our Akaabireen which should be studied by ALL current students of Deen to avoid making such errors which could ruin one’s Dunya and definitely one’s Aakhirah.

There remains no scope for any argument in this scenario (of the MMB court saga), because on the one side is the student of an Ustaad (i.e. the Ustaad of the secretary of UUCSA) who is going to court to, in simple terms, fight for the following, directly or indirectly – among other things:

  1. Allow a woman the right to give Talaaq to her husband
  2. Allow a woman to marry more than one husband
  3. Allow a divorced wife to half of husband’s assets

All the above and many other similar Laws are introduced in the name of MMB, MPL or call it whatever it may be named, it is the same thing. Just like you may say stool, excreta or number two, it refers to the same Na-Paaki. Once the Bill is passed, these rules may be introduced if they are not yet clearly written in the Bill.

On the other hand, the Ustaad of the secretary general who taught him in Darul-Uloom (Newcastle) some of the years from around the year 1977/1978 to around 1985, is opposing his student and stands for the following:

  1. Talaaq can only be given by the husband
  2. A man can marry up to four wives
  3. After divorce, maintenance, etc. should be as per the Laws of the Shari’ah

Who is fighting and standing to preserve the Laws of Allah, His Rasool and the Shari’ah? Who is fighting and standing to introduce ideologies of feminists, modern thinking Muslims and liberals?

The student always remains junior to his Ustaad. His Ustaad is always the senior. Even if his Ustaad makes an error, the student should still regard himself as a junior in front of his Ustaad. The student has to follow the protocols of Adab and Akhlaaq when trying to bring to the notice of his senior (Ustaad) the error.

While the juniors are very punctual and meticulous in following the protocols of the atheist regarding the Masjid in which they themselves social distance and wear a silly mask in Salaah, why don’t they follow the protocols of Adab and Akhlaaq to their seniors and meticulously and wholeheartedly follow their seniors’ (Ustaads’) Naseehat?   

This is thus a sad week for South African Muslims because a junior is opposing the Ta’leem of his senior and instead of adopting the company of his senior (Ustaad) to gain more insight in this matter, allows his organisation to befriend the group of Baatil in favour of the MMB Bill.

It is really mindboggling to understand with what audacity and guts can juniors openly defy their seniors. This matter (MMB and the court case) is not in the category of ‘opinion’, ‘views’ or related to any worldly motive. This matter is between the Shari’ah’s Laws of Nikaah, Talaaq, etc. and the feminist ideologies of modernists, liberals, Kuffaar, Shaitaan and Dajjaal. This is NOT a matter of ‘difference of opinion’. Read again the Aayat quoted in the beginning as well as Aayat 44 and 47 of the same Surah, to clear one’s mind should such thoughts enter.

While this is a sad week for the Muslims of South Africa because of the battle between Haq and Baatil and a junior opposing his senior, there was another sad week during last year’s oppressive lockdown regarding the Masjid court case. Ironically, the very same junior/s who are involved in this MMB court saga in which they want to distort and mutilate the Laws of Nikaah, they were the very same ones involved in last year’s Masjid case where they went to court to SHUT THE MASAAJID.

In between last year and this year, these juniors frequented interfaith meetings, embraced atheist-protocols in Masaajid, enforced strict lockdown rules and engaged with politicians. We didn’t hear of them frequenting the company of the Ulama-e-Haq and the Dars or company of their Ustaads (seniors) in between these two court cases!

(To read (or download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Another-sad-week-in-SA.pdf)