A Very Young Moon?

Queation: Some people have objected and displayed an attitude of certainty that the new moon for the month of Sha’baan 1440 which was to be sighted on Friday night (5 April 2019) will NOT be seen. They claimed that the moon was VERY YOUNG and impossible to be sighted. Please explain.

Answer: In Islaam the calculations of the astronomers have NO basis whatsoever. We follow the Sunnat of Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam which is to go out and sight the new Hilaal on the 29th of EVERY Islamic month. Even if the chances are 0.1% of sighting, a follower of the Sunnah will look forward to go out on the 29th to sight the moon to gain a 100% reward for observing the Sunnah! To him the astronomical calculations and the clamoring of people – even of some Ulama – means nothing.

Whilst the month of Rajab 1440 had different dates in SA due to many organisations (including us – Custodians of the Haq) and independent Muftis accepting the sighting on 7 March 2019, whilst another group refused the sighting, hence the new moon’s sighting was a day prior for the group which accepted the sighting. According to the Rajab dates of those who accepted the sighting, 29 Rajab was on Friday (5 April 2019. Hence, the Hilaal for Sha’baan was supposed to be sought on Friday at Maghrib. Thus, whether the new moon was young, very young or impossible to be sighted in terms of the astronomical calculations, the Sunnah’s demand was that the moon be sought.

Regarding the calculations of the astronomers and modernists regarding the moon, the following will be sufficient for the Haq-seeking Ummati:

  1.   “The statement of the astronomers (regarding the birth of the moon) is of no validity even if they are uprighteous. . (Durrul-Mukhtaar – a Fiqh Kitaab)
  2. . “The statements of the astronomers have no effect…” (Al-Wahbaaniyyah)
  3.  “According to Ijma’ (consensus) there is no recognition for the statements of the astronomers.” (Shaami)

The following Ulama accepted the sighting of the Rajab 1440 Hilaal on 7 March 2019. The Rajab Hilaal was sighted in Groblershoop by a Moulana / Mufti and some of his town’s Musallees, Alhamdulillah. 

  1. Jamiatul-Ulama Norhten Cape 
  2. Jamiatul-Ulama Western Cape
  3. Jamiatul-Ulama Johannesburg 
  4. Majlisul-Ulama South Africa
  5. Custodians of the Haq
  6. Mufti AK Hoosen Sahib

(Note: For the Hilaal of any month besides Ramadhaan and Eid, the sighting of one Aadil (righteous) person suffices. There is no incumbency on such an individual to sign Shahaadat forms etc. of Hilaal committees he is not part of. Hilaal sightings do not effect changes in the Islamic calendar by such Shahaadat forms.) 

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