A Way To Distinguish Haqq From Baatil

I shall show you a wonderful criterion by means of which Haqq and Baatil may be recognized in ambiguous and doubtful cases. Even if there happens to be no Aalim around, you will be able to distinguish between Haqq and Baatil on the basis of this standard.

Regarding new and innovated things, find out who are the originators. Are the originators laymen or pious Ulama. If the originators are pious Ulama, then such things, e.g. Madrasahs, Khaanqas, Daarul Iftas, etc. are part and parcel of the Deen. The introduction of such things was inspired into the hearts of the pious Ulama.

Practices such as urs, faatiha, third-day, seventh-day khatm, etc., which were introduced by the laity (ordinary people -non-Ulama) are not part of the Deen. By means of this standard, all innovations and new practices may be distinguished and recognized to be either Haqq or Baatil.

(Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alaih)

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