Advice For The Home

Qari Ismail Ishaq (Rahimahullah) was a well-known expert Qari of South Africa. Apart from teaching Qiraat and promoting this field in our country, he was also the deputy principal of Darul Uloom Azaadville. He passed away after a brief illness at the age of 54. Many people saw him in their dreams after his demise, all of which indicated to his high position and rank. May Allah Ta`ala elevate his stages in the Aakhirah and grant him a special abode in Jannatul Firdous. Hereunder are some advices he gave to his family:

1. Live together with love and understanding.

2. Learn to appreciate and understand one another.

3. Respect your parents at all times.

4. The young in the home must have respect for their elders.

5. Always show kindness and fondness to those younger than you.

6. Make khidmah of others.

7. Give gifts to one another.

8. Always appreciate and say Jazakallah for the good that someone does to you.

9. Always greet each other with salaam.

10. Always show care for others.

11. Never hurt another person’s feelings.

12. Always speak good of one another.

13. Perform all five Salaah on time.

14. Make tilaawat of the Quraan daily.

15. Wake up early in the mornings.

16.No one should sleep later than 10:30 pm. Only those who are studying may sleep later that this.

17. Try and bring alive a Sunnah every day in the home.

May Allah Ta`ala assist and guide us all.