Allah’s Happiness

Allah’s Happiness At Those Forming The Sufoof In Salaah – Not In The Satanic-Social Distancing!

In his Kitaab ‘Fazaail-e-Tahajjud’, Hazrat Mufti Muzaffar Husain (Rahmatullahi alaih) of Mazaahirul-Uloom in Saharanpur, mentions the following Hadith:

“Abu Sa’eed Khudri (Radhiyallahu anhu) narrates that Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, ‘Allah Ta’ala is happy with three people: 1) The one who stands in Salaah at night (i.e. Tahajjud Salaah); 2) The people (Jamaat) who form Sufoof (rows) in Salaah; 3) The people who form Sufoof (rows) in Jihaad.’”

The above is sufficient to use as a gauge to see as to whether the Muslims are attracting Allah’s Happiness or not. Obviously, the Sufoof for Salaah that are referred to in the above Hadith resemble the ones emphasized and described in the innumerable Ahaadith that are replete under dedicated sections (Baabs) in almost all famous Hadith Kitaabs. Any other form of forming the Sufoof endorsed by liberal-minded scholars that are out there to please the Kuffar officials and governments IS REJECTED, because it is alien to Deen. In fact, such scholars don’t represent Islaam, the Sunnah and the Mu’mineen!

A famous senior Aalim mentioned in his Bayaan that when gaps are left in the Saffs, Shaitaan fills them and interferes with the concentration of the Musallis. And when social distancing of 1.5m-2m is done in the Saffs, then Shaitaan fills the massive gap with his whole family. Then the thinking of Muslims become upside down – all due to the ill-effects and influence of the Shayaateen by welcoming them to fill the gaps in the Saffs! Indeed, the Mutawallis and ‘Ulama’ who are demanding, approving and endorsing this satanic-distancing in the Masaajid will be accountable in the Court of Allah Ta’ala!

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Straighten the Sufoof (rows); stand shoulder to shoulder; FILL the GAPS…… And do not leave GAPS for Shaitaan. Allah will join the person who joins the Saffs and sever the person who severs the Saffs.” (Abu Dawood, Ahmad, Baihaqi, Riyaadhus-Saaliheen, etc.)

Hazrat Jaabir bin Samurah (Radhiyallahu anhu) said, “Allah’s Rasool came to us and said, ‘Will you not form Sufoof (rows) as the Angels form Sufoof by their Rabb? They (the Sahaabah) said, ‘How do the angels form Sufoof before their Rabb? He (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, ‘They complete the first Saff (row) and FILL THE GAPS in the Sufoof.’” (Nasaai and Muslim Shareef have similar wording)

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