20 Rabi-ul-Awwal 1442 / 6 November 2020
Allah’s Pleasure And Displeasure
In the current times wherein Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), his Blessed Sunnats, the Masaajid and Islam are under attack from both the non-believers and ‘believers’, as Muslims we require the Divine Aid of Allah Ta’ala to overcome these challenges.
When Allah Ta’ala is happy with us, then His Divine Aid will arrive – Insha Allah! The following are ways that will attract Allah’s Pleasure:
In waking up for Tahajjud Salaah, in Du’a and in Zikrullah – Istighfaar, Durood Shareef, etc.In performing ALL the five daily Salaahs on time – men with Jamaat in the Masjid conforming to the Sunnah manner of the Saffs, etc., and women at home.
In dressing that conforms to the Sunnah attire at all times.
In observing strict Hijaab – men should lower their gazes from women and for women should conceal their bodies.
In ensuring one’s income, work, business, employment, etc. are Halaal and Riba-free (interest-free). Dealing with bonds from banks or working in banks or companies that deal in interest are Haraam sources of income.
Ensuring one’s food and drinks are Halaal. Mere reliance on a piece of paper with a ‘Halaal’ logo (even of a certifying body) holds no credibility. History has shown pork to be labelled as ‘Halaal’ by the same certifying bodies.
Ensuring meals are eaten on the floor which is a discarded Sunnah.
Ensuring one recites the Masnoon Surats in the mornings and evenings – Surah Yaa-Seen after Fajr, Surah Waaqi’ah after Maghrib and Surah Mulk after Esha.
Ensuring one recites the various Masnoon Du’as that are supposed to be read at different times – such as when waking up, before / after entering / leaving the toilet, Wuzu Du’as, when leaving / entering one’s home, when travelling, etc.
In making Tilaawat of the Qur’an Majeed on a daily basis.
When Allah Ta’ala is displeased with us, then His Azaab will afflict us. The following are ways that court the Azaab of Allah Ta’ala:
In discarding Salaah, or being lax in performing the five daily Salaahs on time and in the correct manner.
In watching TV, movies, films, etc. even if it is on one’s cellphone or any other means, even if certain ‘scholars’ appear on TV. The Fatwa of our current senior Ulama-e-Haq as well as previous Ulama is that TV, photography, etc. are Haraam.
In intermingling with the opposite gender, especially at functions, feasts, weddings and other similar outings and venues.
In listening to music, even in the form of a ‘ringtone’ on one’s cellphone. The sin intensifies when a musical ringtone pollutes the Pure and Holy environment of the Masaajid!
In dressing in the style and garb of the West – the enemies of Allah, His Rasool and the Muslims.
In cutting one’s hair in funny styles, shapes and ways to conform to the fashion and times.
In consuming Haraam food, even if there appears a ‘Halaal’ logo of a certifying body. Commercial chickens (such as Rainbow, etc.) are Haraam. Many other food items such as sweets contain gelatine that is Haraam, though approved by some certifying bodies. Soft drinks also have a possibility of having alcohol in the process of its manufacturing. Vaping, Hookah and smoking are also Haraam.
In promoting secular education. The sin increases when we send our children to schools where they are left ‘at the mercy’ of the teachers and the syllabus designed by the Kuffar and atheists that (may very possibly) contain Kufr and Shirk. ‘Islamic schools’ are worse, because in the name of ‘Islam’, pupils are taught and shown a wholesale distortion of Islam when Aapas and Moulanas or Mu’allimahs and Mu’allims mix, chat and converse with each other.
In listening to radio stations that are styled in Islamic names and garbed in Islamic attire, which airs females’ voices. A whole generation has grown up listening and accepting such ‘Islamic’ radio stations which have promoted the discarding of the Laws of Hijaab in respect to females, female voices, etc. How can Muslim women interview Kuffar men, or strange men, or read out the hourly news and gold/silver/Rand/Dollar prices to the whole world?
In indulging in interest (Riba). This has been camouflaged to appear to be ‘Halaal’ and ‘Shar’iah approved’. Islamic finance, Islamic banking and other loans, etc. which are approved by Muftis and appear to be ‘Halaal’ have interest (Riba) disguised in them in subtle names and technicalities. Insurance, medical aid, etc. also fall under this grave sin!
(To read or download as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/Allahs-Pleasure-and-Displeasure.pdf)
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