“Beware of a Ftnah (punishment) which will not overtake only the transgressors among you.” (Surah Anfaal, Aayat 25)
This Qur’aanic Aayat warns Muslims of the Punishment of Allah Ta’ala for abandoning the obligatory duty of Amr Bil Ma’roof Nahi Anil Munkar (to command righteousness and prohibit evil).
When Muslims in general abandon this duty, the Divine Punishment will encircle not only the actual perpetrators of evil and transgression, but will overcome also those who abstain from transgression and are regarded as the pious and/or learned people of the community. The punishment becomes justified for them because of their abandonment of the duty of Amr Bil Ma’roof.
Hadhrat Abdullah Bin Abbaas (Radhiyallahu anhu) said that Allah Ta’ala has commanded Muslims to eliminate evil which is being committed in their surroundings. If they neglect this duty of eradicating evil in their environment inspite of having the ability and power, Allah Ta’ala will overwhelm them as well with that punishment which He will despatch against the transgressors. Thus, the transgressors and those who refrain from admonition despite their ability to do so are considered equal in the perpetration of vice.
As long as there are uprighteous men in a community who remain firm in the obligation of Amr Bil Ma’roof, Allah Ta’ala will not destroy that entire community with His punishment. Should Allah Ta’ala in His Wisdom know that the transgressors have reached the point of no return and are beyond redemption, He will create the circumstances for the departure of those practising Amr Bil Ma’roof. Allah Ta’ala will save them from His punishment by removing their presence from the community destined to be destroyed by the impending Athaab (Punishment).
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