Was The Sunnah The ‘Only Crime’ To Fire The Imaam? The Anti-Sunnah Attitude Of The Trustee Surfaces For All To See – Alhamdulillah!
Beware of such Trustees who spew out their anti-Sunnah venom for their community to be poisoned with!
The following message was received from an honourable Imaam who was against social distancing in his Masjid:
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh
Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Respected Musalees of Masjid Falaah Bird Street Mayfair
Over the past few weeks I have been encouraging Musalees to read Salaah in the manner that Shariah and our Deen has explained through the beautiful Sunnah of Rasululaah Salallaahu Alaihi Wasallam.
This week after the Jummuah program I recieved a call from the Mutawalee for the very first time who was extremely angry and asked me to terminate my services of khidmat as Imaam of Masjid Falaah.
Alhamdulillah the last 8 years has been a beautiful experience for me and I ask each and everyone of you to please forgive me for my shortcomings and make Dua for me as I will also make Dua for you.
May Allah forgive us all bless us with His infinite love and grant us a death on Imaan. Aameen
Moosa Leher
OUR COMMENT: May Allah Ta’ala reward the honourable Moulana Moosa Laher for standing up for the Sunnah which is under attack by the deviated Imaams, JUSA-type ‘Ulama’ and modern-thinking Trustees.
To the anti-Sunnah Trustee it may have been a ‘win’ to get rid of a pro-Sunnah Moulana, but indeed, the Malaaikah have recorded the Moulana as a Sunnah-loving Aalim of the Deen!
While the honourable Moulana (Imaam) appears to have been independent and staunch on the Sunnah, the Sunnah was the ‘only crime’ in the short-sighted Trustee’s eyes! Is this what a Trustee stands for?
There are other Imaams and ‘Ulama’ that have been bought over and are themselves sell-outs that advocate satanic-social distancing in their Masjid. This is because they have been bought over by the gifts, sponsors and ‘bribes’ of the wealthy Trustees of their towns. Thus, they are controlled by these modern-thinking, anti-Sunnah Trustees and have become satanically ‘stubborn’ on promoting and advocating satanic-social distancing in their Masaajid.
May Allah T’ala have Mercy upon this Ummah, Aameen.
FURTHER INFO: Alhamdulillah, the following message was also received concerning the dismissal of the Sunnah-loving Imaam:
An open letter to Amien Minty (the trustee who dismissed the Imaam – COH)
Your dismissal and termination of Moulana Moosa’s services as Imam of Masjid Falah is truly a sad indictment on the credibility of the affairs of our masjid!
The fact that you did so without any consultation with the other mutawalles has finally brought the rooster home to roost … it now gives voice to the hallowed whispers that the affairs of our masjid is not run on any share principals nor on a mashwera basis but rather on an authoritarian and subjugation basis … “whatever Amien says .. is whatever must be done!”
Your reason for dismissal ….. “speaking out against Social Distancing” … is rather DISINGENUOUS! …. Considering that it was YOU that earlier this week that placed the barrier poles straight down the centre of the masjid to allow for both social proponents …… those that wanted Social distancing would be accommodated to the right within designated spaces …. Whilst those that yearned for salaah to be read in its prescribed manner of ‘shoulder-to-shoulder”.
If YOU did this … then how is it an issue that after months of Moulana Moosa beating this anti-social drum …. It is only NOW (and again only after YOU instituted the separation barriers) ….that you now take issue with him?? Clearly this leaves your motives on his dismissal now to be highly questionable ….. ????
Let us be clear of the following facts:
1) The pittance of salary that is paid to both the Imaam’s is in no way
representative of a living wage.
2) Moulana Moosa has NEVER-EVER been reliant on the monies paid to him …. I know for a fact that whenever he has collected his salary .. at times up to 6 months later … each and every time his salary was directly contributed to the FALAAH PROJECTS pot for use in our ongoing local community projects.
3) Moulana Moosa’s position as Imaam was only occupied out of Love & Concern for the community that WE live in.
4) Never has there been another imam in this masjids 20-year existence … that has displayed a Genuine & Caring concern ….not only for the Spiritual Upliftment of its congregants but also for the Social Upliftment of the Destitute and those less fortunate!
Will you be able to replace the ‘imaam’ ….. of course you will …. There are plenty of India and Pakistani imams ….. no disrespect to them ……but I can absolutely guarantee you that you WILL NOT be able to employ a local English speaking imam with the Oratory skills and vast knowledge of Deen that Moulana Moosa has; because neither of them will ever accept to be your ‘Gulaam” .. a ‘servant’ that will just ‘toe-the-line”. Perhaps it was Moulana Moosa’s independence and non-reliance of his salary that was the thorn in your side .. as you couldn’t control him.
If you think that you have gained in his dismissal ….. know well that you have done THIS community a grave INJUSTICE and that we the congregants are the LOSERS!
A voice copy of this weeks’ Jumma Bayaan was already sent to you yesterday and is available to any and all congregants, will validate that there was nothing different or derogatory that was said …. The mere fact that 1 .. I repeat ….1 musalle that found exception to a certain aspect of his speech … is purely a matter of opinion and interpretation ….. and THIS was then conveyed to you by your son …. Because you were NOT present …. And within 20 minutes thereof you called Moulana Moosa to dismiss him ……. Not only shows your Irrational Behaviour and High-Handedness, but also your Inability to be Calm, Collected and Intelligent!
A Truly Sad Day has now dawned on Masjid Falaah !
May Allah SWT guide us all and Protect us from the evil whisperings of Shaytaan! Ameen
FINAL COMMENT: It can only be a Munaafiq that will dismiss any Imaam that promotes and encourages the Sunnah!
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