Analysing the Mosque Open Day Fitnah with the spectacles of Imaan
Regarding the FITNAH of the modern-thinking scholars, Muslim Networks and other similar organizations who have endorsed, encouraged and supported the HARAAM Mosque Open – Museum – Days, the following points should be noted. These points are conclusions which should easily be reached by anyone who ponders over the Open Day issue with the spectacles of Imaan and not in the dim, dull and blur light of politics.
When opening our Masaajid to the NAJIS Kuffaar in the name of Open Days…
- We are from now onwards allowing Kuffaar access to the Masaajid which is totally un-Islamic.
- We are opening the Masaajid to be ‘mourning venues’ for Kuffaar kings, queens, presidents, ministers, rabbis, gurus, pundits, priests and reverends. Look at UK to see an example of this. The national anthem was sung from the Masjid in the UK!
- We are allowing Kuffaar priests to have access to our Masaajid during ‘times of need’, for example, during atrocities. Thus, interfaith KUFR will be held inside the Masaajid wherein the cross and the bible will be worshipped inside the Masaajid.
- We are allowing animate photos and videos to take place INSIDE our Masaajid. Pictures of all the attendees could be taken under the banner of ‘media’ with the excuse of publishing such pictures in news articles and websites.
- Apart from the religious leaders gaining entry into our Masaajid, politicians will also gain freedom of entry into our Masaajid. Already, the current president of SA who prior to becoming the president, was afforded a platform at the Lenasia Eidgah to address the Musallis. Imagine, on the day of Eid, at the Eidgah, one is addressed by a Kaafir who doesn’t even know how to make Istinja!
The above are the conclusions one may conclude on when scrutinizing the entire Mosque Open Day’s motives hidden under its banner.
Mosque Open Days are promoted only by scholars who:
- Endorse, cry and harp on our girls to attend universities – the beds of ZINA.
- Totally abandoned the method (Tareeqah) of our Akaabireen.
- Appear and legalize TV – the office of Dajjaal. Sitting shoulder to shoulder between TV-Molvis and female/s is already documented!
- Run Halaal certifying organization/s. Much Haraam is tangled in this saga. Chicken plants which were inspected officially and un-officially by Ulama have been declared as HARAAM, while they are certified Halaal by these scholars.
- Frequent interfaith ceremonies.
- Perform Janaazah Salaahs with NAJIS Kuffaar politicians standing in the Saff.
- Arrange Iftaar parties with the president. The non-Muslim president ‘breaks’ his fast at the time of Iftaar with such scholars.
- Thereafter, Maghrib Salaah is read in which the non-Muslim president also stands in the Saff and makes ‘Qiyaam’, ‘Ruku’, and other ‘postures’ of Salaah.
- Endorse ‘Muslim’ schools and their sport tournaments.
- Are involved in Kuffaar sports. When the 2010 world cup was hosted in SA, scholar/s went to the stadium on the first match which was on Friday, instead of the Masjid for Jumu’ah Salaah.
- Promote idol-type statues of different politicians (Mandela, etc.).
- Called for the closure of the Masaajid about 5 days before lockdown.
- Went to court to keep the Masaajid SHUT during the lockdown.
- Then went to court again with the lesbian-type people to alter the Shari’ah in its Laws pertaining to Nikaah, Talaaq, custody, etc.
- Dance to the tunes of the Kuffaar and politics. Like posting ‘New Year’s’ messages, message to (secular) teachers on ‘teacher’s day’, discussing heritage on ‘heritage day’, etc.
- Allow females on their radio stations.
While the list can go on and many more points can be mentioned, the above should be sufficient for anyone who by now has realized and recognized such scholars.
The way forward – the solution
The only way forward for us and anyone who wishes to navigate his way out of the storms of these evils, Fitnahs and Fasaad is to adopt the company of the Ulama-e-Haq. Briefly, the Ulama-e-Haq are those whose lives, ways and views conform to the Deen of Islam and not to politics, scientists, governments, etc.
Listen to their Naseehat, follow their Naseehat and consult with them regarding one’s worldly matters and most importantly, in matters pertaining to one’s Deen. Insha Allah, there will be much safety of one’s Deen by doing this.
Adopt the company of the Ulama-e-Haq!
We make Du’a that the scholars & organizations who are promoting evil, wrong and Baatil realize their wrong, repent and change their views to conform to the original Deen, Aameen.
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