27 Jamaadul-Ukhra 1443 / 30 January 2022
Are JUSA’s ‘Fatwas’ Binding Upon Muslims?
“Then, we placed you on the Shari’ah, so follow it and do not follow the whims of those who have no knowledge.” (Surah Jaathiyah, Aayat 18)
QUESTION: The Jamiatul Ulema (JUSA) said in their Karachi Mosque statement dated the 11th January 2022 that “The fatwa issued by the Jamiatul Ulama South Africa are considered to be authoritative and binding upon the Muslim Community.”
Please comment on this statement of JUSA. Are their Fataawaa binding upon us?
ANSWER: A FATWA is an Islamic Verdict. Hence, a Fatwa should have Islamic connotations and not be such by which politicians and atheists are pleased. The Ulama-e-Haq stress on the fact that Fataawaa should be such that they draw one closer to Taqwa and to the Deen of Allah Ta’ala.
The following are some of the so-called ‘rulings’ (Fataawaa) of JUSA of recent times:
- Closure (or suspension) of the Masaajid 5 DAYS before lockdown
- Fong-Kong protocols to be rigidly observed in the Houses of Allah 2.1 – 1.5m Taekwondo kind SATANIC distancing in the Saffs to allow room for Shaitaan 2.2 – Masks to be worn in the Masjid (Salaah) thereby damaging one’s lungs 2.3 – SATANIZING with hand sanitizers at the entrance of the Masjid
- Begging the court to keep Allah’s Houses SHUT
- Going to court with the ladies in support of the KUFR MMB BILL (Marriage Bill)
- Participating in the reburying of the remains of General Mehmet Remzi in Braamfontein. JUSA’s secretary was seen there wherein a FEMALE lectured the audience! (JUSA practically demonstrates the ‘permissibility’ of these impermissible acts)
- TV, sports and secular schools are all permissible
The above 6 ‘Fataawaa’ and doings of JUSA are not at all ISLAMIC and have no Islamic connotations whatsoever. They don’t take any MUSLIM closer to Taqwa! Instead, some of the points above are such that anyone who supports them may be led to KUFR.
Hence, be wary of the so-called ‘Fataawaa’ of JUSA. They are anti-Islaam, anti-Allah, anti-Taqwa, anti-Sunnah and anti-Masaajid. They are not worth the paper they are written on. Un-Islamic Fataawaa are NOT BINDING upon Muslims!
The so-called ‘Fataawaa’ of JUSA are perhaps binding upon the Kuffaar – never the Muslims! Their so-called ‘Fataawaa’ are not even binding on the animals in the zoo!
(To read (and download) this article as PDF, please click on this link: http://custodiansofthehaq.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/JUSAs-fatwas.pdf)
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