Remember, these set-ups are actually Imaan-snatchers and Imaan-thieves! They are the ‘highway robbers’ of our Imaan! Shaitaan has ‘inspired’ his mates and bondsmen – the Kuffaar – to set-up such Kufr-attractions at these ‘can’t-miss’ areas and places where we are forced to walk / drive pass. His ultimate objective is to snatch away the Imaan of the Mu’mineen in a Shaitaani-subtle way, without us even realising.
Hadhrat Amr’s Offer of Supreme Sacrifice (This touching episode is recorded by the Muslim historian, Imaam Waqidi. We have reproduced it…
It is KUFR to wish Kuffaar a ‘Happy’ festive celebration be it Christmas, New Year, Easter, Diwali or any of their religious festive day.
Our pious and senior Ulama-e-Haq have said, “To be happy with Fisq (disobedience), one becomes part of the Fisq. To be happy with Kufr, one becomes part of the Kufr.”
Search for reliable people and Ulama who collect funds and ensure the correct recipients receive such monies, without the money finding a place in their wallets and pockets, or without their cars getting upgraded on a regular basis.
All bran – hot and moist Almonds – hot and moist Aniseed – hot and dry Apples…
Rooibos is an asset for the physically active. Rooibos helps to prevent cancer. Rooibos boosts your immune system. Rooibos helps to slow the ageing…
All such mass messes are Bid’ah. All the points above are Haraam. It is Haraam to attend all such mass events. The Haraam is further aggravated by Muslim and non-Muslim women partaking in such Haraam; by non-Muslims partaking in such events and by dubbing such messes in Islamic Themes – such as using the words ‘zikr’, ‘tahajjud’, ‘du’a’, etc.
There is no scope for cinemas, TVs and other Haraam activities. The sin is aggravated when these futile and Haraam pastimes are dubbed as Ibaadat, or Thawaab, or ‘Halaal’, as in the case of ‘Halaal cinema’.
The fact that our current senior, pious, Principals and Ulama-e-Haq of the major Darul-Ulooms of South Africa don’t mingle with this Lost Team, don’t endorse their activities and don’t have anything to do with them, shows their (‘Deen Team’s) doings are not endorsed by the Ulama-e-Haq of South Africa.