Prescription To Spend In Allah’s Path

At the very beginning of the month, after a person has received his salary, if he sets aside a stipulated amount of wealth, or on a daily basis, he takes a stipulated portion of the income from his business and sets it aside in a separate box, solely to be spent in the path of Allah Ta‘ala, then when he finds an opportunity to spend for the sake of Allah Ta‘ala, he will not find any reluctance in his heart to spend the wealth. The reason is that he understands that in all cases, this amount has to be spent in the path of Allah Ta‘ala.

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The KUFR Festive Season – Don’t Be Robbed Of Your Imaan!

Remember, these set-ups are actually Imaan-snatchers and Imaan-thieves! They are the ‘highway robbers’ of our Imaan! Shaitaan has ‘inspired’ his mates and bondsmen – the Kuffaar – to set-up such Kufr-attractions at these ‘can’t-miss’ areas and places where we are forced to walk / drive pass. His ultimate objective is to snatch away the Imaan of the Mu’mineen in a Shaitaani-subtle way, without us even realising.

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