JUSA’s 100-Year Celebrations

One must remember that of recent, JUSA has concocted a ‘new version’ of Islaam which suits the politicians, modernists, interfaithers, liberals, feminists, LGBTQ gang, Shi’a Kuffaar, modernists, liberals, Barelwis and everyone and anyone besides those who wish to follow in the footsteps of Rasoolullah (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). This ‘version’ of Islaam invented by JUSA has also been referred to by our Ulama as a ‘watered down’ version of Islaam.

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“Woman’s Day” Walks – Stay Away!

Even if the Imaam of the local Masjid, an Ustaad from the local Madrasah, the ‘grand’ Mufti or the Imaam of the Haram Shareef is expected to be present, such walks will still remain Haraam and we shall still condemn such Haraam activities. As Muslims, we are governed by the Laws of the Shari’at. The presence of certain personalities in Haraam activities doesn’t make those activities Halaal.

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The Dressing Of A Muslim

When the dressing of the Kuffar is worn, Zulmat (darkness) falls on the heart, and this darkness then becomes apparent in the person’s character, actions, and speech.
An attribute of the dress of the Kuffar is immodesty and indecency. It destroys the inherent modesty and shame of a person. Very quickly, the nature of a person becomes spoiled – inclining towards immodesty and indecency.

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