ROTTEN HEARTS Rasulullah (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: “After me there will be such Aimmah (Shaikhs, Molvis, Imams and scholars for…
A scholar from one of the universities visited Darul Uloom Deoband during a trip to India. He was invited for…
In his Ihyaaul Uloom, Imaam Ghazaali (rahmatullah alayh) says: “Muaaz Bin Jabal (radhiyallahu anhu) and Abdullah Bin Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) narrated: “Verily,…
Hadhrat Salmaan (Radhiyallahu anhu), narrating a Hadith of Jibraeel (Alayhis salaam) said: “If you can, never be the first to…
Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) once asked Hadhrat Jibraeel (alayhis salaam): “O Jibraeel! Which land is evil?’ Jibraeel (alayhis salaam) said: ‘I…
When going to the Masjid, your attitude should be like when going to the law court. Your mind should be…
Hazrat Abdullah bin Busr Radhiyallahu anhu narrates that a Sahaabi once asked Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam: “O Rasool of Allah!…
Abu Qilaabah (rahimahullah) was an illustrious Taabi‘ee from Basrah who passed away in the year 104 A.H. Imaam Awzaa‘ee (rahimahullah)…
“If someone cannot pursue Ilm constructively then at least he should meet frequently with the Ulama and ask them Masaail…
Hazrat Abdullah bin Umar Radhiyallahu anhu narrates that Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said: “Islaam is based on five pillars: Bearing…