Beat The Covid Fraud The Pure Way

26 Rabiul-Aakhir 1443 / 1 December 2021

Beat The Covid Filth – The Pure Way!

Covid is made up with lies, trickery, falsehood, fear-mongering, brutality, destroying the economy and livelihoods of the people purposely, command and control, poison dubbed as ‘vaccines’, Shaitaaniyat and Dajjaaliyat.

All these ingredients make a poisonous covid ‘cake’!

Each of the mentioned ingredient existing in covid is an IMPURITY (NAJAASAT / NA-PAAKI)!

The last 20 months has shown the intelligent humans the NAJAASAT of the covid fraud!

As Muslims, we should beat this IMPURITY with PURITY (TAHAARAT / IBAADAT).

Thus, increase in Tilaawat and Durood Shareef daily – apart from the daily Salaahs and Sunnats!

Insha Allah, the IMPURITY of the covid filth with all its engineered ‘waves’ will soon vanish because Shaitaan, Dajjaal and ALL their agents can’t combat the PURITY contained in the Kalaamullah and Durood Shareef!   

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