Blotted Animate Pictures?

Question: Asalamolaikum Respected Ulama. From what I know, animated photographs are Haraam. I see some times the publications of Ulama who I trust and see to be on Haq showing pictures of people but blotting out the faces. Is this fine? 

Answer: Walaikumsalaam. Yes, we will find at times the publications of Ulama-e-Haq having pictures of people, however, they have blotted out the faces. The reason why they do this is to show the Ummah the evidence of what their writing is all about.

Sometimes, we will read an article written by Ulama-e-Haq on the impressibility of certain doings by modern Ulama. At some place or the other of the same article, we will also see a picture of the event with the faces of the modern Ulama blotted out. Take the recent Haraam event of Darul-Ihsaan and its Mufti in which a Muslim female politician addressed the crowd! If then the Ulama-e-Haq condemn such evil and misguidance perpetrated by a Mufti and write an article against it, and post a picture of the event with blotted faces, then this will be for the reason of showing the Ummah the reality.

Yes, if the faces are not blotted, then it will not be permissible. For the Ulama-e-Haq to publish pictures with the faces blotted at times, is a need. However, the general Muslims should abstain even from such pictures. 

Also remember, the Ulama-e-Haq are not the ones taking the pictures, or asking for the pictures. There are many Haq-seeking Muslims who understand the limits of the Shari’ah and perhaps have access to certain social platforms on which such pictures are posted. They in turn, send the pictures to the Ulama-e-Haq they trust, who then write on these issues and at times insert the photos while blotting out the faces. 

And Allah knows best


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