Boycott ALL JUSA’s Syllabuses – Save The Imaan Of Our Youth!!!

Warped logic of Jamiat Fordsburg

A Jamiat at full force war with the law of Allah Ta’ala
Jamiat Fordsburg, using their warped reasoning and logic, makes the following ludicrous claim:
“Throughout the ages, attempts have been made to bring Kufr and Islam under one banner in the spirit of tolerance. Thus, present day efforts should not surprise a Muslim in the least bit.”
In black and white, Jamiat Fordsburg legitimising interfaith on the basis that attempts were made to host interfaith gatherings.
According to this warped principle of Fordsburg Jamiat, all the following and more should be perfectly fine as attempts have been made and are been made to introduce it to Muslims:
1) Swearing the Sahaabah Radhiyallahu Anhum (Na’uzubillah)
2) Swearing the Noble Wives of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam (Na’uzubillah)
4) Same-sex marriages
5) Visiting churches
6) Visiting cathedrals
7) Visiting synagogues
8) Eating swine
9) Consuming liquor and alcohol
10) Engaging in Riba (interest)
Stand up for the Deen of Allah Ta’ala before it is too late
Say no to the propaganda books of Fordsburg Jamiat
“You will not find people who believe in Allah and the Last Day having affection for those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, even if they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kinsmen…”
Surah Mujaadalah #22

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