Can We Say ‘Merry Christmas’?

28 Rabiul-Aakhir 1443 / 3 December 2021

Saying “Merry Christmas” Is KUFR!

QUESTION: Is it permissible to say to a non-Muslim ‘Happy Christmas’, ‘Merry Christmas’, ‘Merry X-Mas’, etc.?

ANSWER: Saying such words of KUFR will make one’s Imaan take a walk out of one’s heart. It is Haraam, KUFR and strictly forbidden in Deen to utter such words of KUFR.

The following points should be remembered:

  1. It is KUFR to wish Kuffaar a ‘Happy’ festive celebration be it Christmas, New Year, Easter, Diwali or any of their religious festive day.
  2. Likewise, it is KUFR to decorate one’s shop with Christmas decorations like with Christmas trees, lights, horse-carts, Father Christmas, etc.
  3. In the same breath as the above, it is KUFR to include the theme of such KUFR festive related items in any of one’s brochures, specials, advertisements, etc.

Allah Ta’ala says in the Qur’an Majeed, “And do not assist each other in sin and transgression.” (Surah Maaidah)

Food for thought:

If uttering such words makes one commit KUFR, what then can be said regarding a Muslim entering a cathedral, church or an interfaith meeting and delivering a ‘talk’ while surrounded by half a dozen to a dozen Crosses?

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