The Confused Seerah Jalsah Scholar

In other countries, when the scholars of Baatil promote Baatil, there is barely any opposition. Thus, Baatil gains some grounds. In SA, Alhamdulillah, we have the fraternity of the Ulama-e-Haq who, speak out, write out, conduct special programs to alert and inform the Ummah of the Baatil promoted by Baatil scholars. Hence, the fraternity of Baatil scholars, also known as the Ulama-e-government, are unable to gain control over the Muslim masses in SA, to lead them into a totally diluted and watered down Islaam. And this is also another reason to reverberate in the hearts of every reader, ‘REJOICE, O UMMAH!’

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Various Fitnahs In The Name Of Palestine

Abstain from all such and other merrymaking shows which are mere entertainment for us. Imagine how weak we have become, while bombs are falling on Gaza, we are drunk in entertainment such as the above. The phrase ‘for Palestine’ is a Shaitaani deception. In the name of Palestine, we deem to regard sports, play, walks, etc. to be Halaal? In the name of Palestine have we found an opportunity to gratify our Nafs by indulging in entertainment, then soothing ourselves with the term ‘for Palestine’.

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