New Year Celebrations – Beware! Allah Ta’ala says: “For you is your religion and for me is mine.” (Kaafiroon) Nabi…
Kindly follow the link provided at the bottom to view a previously written newsletter on the Souks. Apart from some…
A brother, highlighting the ROT of our community, writes: “Is our community gone so insane? This sport (the padel satanism)…
Whether on a specific date of the year, or at any other general day, turning Masaajid into museums in the…
Why is UUCSA an unreliable entity? “Soon shall there dawn an age when … … … Their (The Ummah’s) Ulama…
Why Is Radio ‘Islam’ An Unreliable Entity? “Soon shall there dawn an age when … … … Their (the Ummah’s)…
Why Is JUSA An Unreliable Entity? “Soon shall there dawn an age when … … … Their (the Ummah’s) Ulama…
Nikaah & Haraam Activities Immediately Thereafter Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “Nikaah (i.e. getting married) is from my Sunnah…” (Ibn…
Voting makes one approve of all the evil BILLS which are being passed which are ultimately aimed to demolish Islam in our country. In recent days, how many BILLS have been passed under our noses, many of which were strongly opposed, yet they ignored all the opposition and went on to pass the evil BILLS.
Many of the Great Ulama-e-Haq have issued stern Fataawa of Kufr regarding the Kuffaar Shi’as who take relish in swearing the Sahaabah (Radhiyallahu anhum). Their Fataawa are well- preserved and available till today.