18 Jamaadal-Ulaa 1440 / 25 January 2019 We condemn the justification regarding the wedding which had Shirk customs in it…
Soon, a Seerah Jalsah is to be held in one of the Masjids in Lenasia. The following quotation will suffice…
“Soon shall there be an age when the worst of the people under the canopy of the sky will be…
While the Haraam Souk is currently in progress in Durban in which plenty of absolute Haraam and sinful activities are…
“As Salaamu Aliakum Respected Hounorable Ulama You are receiving this email as I feel you are the only credible organisations…
TO ALL ULAMA WHO HAVE LEGALIZED TV AND ALSO APPEAR ON IT! The TV speaks…. Yesterday, you used your Masjid…
The following letter was issued by Jamiatul-Ulama Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) in 2017.
In their recent Matric Ball, matric students of a “Muslim” School did not only destroy many Laws of the Shariah,…
Rasulullah Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said once to Hadhrat Jibraeel Alaihis salaam: “O Jibraeel! Which land is evil?’ Jibraeel Alaihis salaam…
It is indeed sad to note that ‘Ulama’ who studied Deeni Knowledge appear to be ‘unhappy’ with the Divine Laws…