O Taraweeh Imaams! Your Results Will Show From Eid!

The Huffaaz were supposed to be aware that their leading the community in Taraweeh, was not only a mere 4-Rak’aats, 6-Rak’aats, 8-Rak’aats, 20-Rak’aats or any other amount of Rak’aats performed by various Huffaaz, nor a mere 29-day contract. Together with fulfilling this Honourable Task which they were the Imaams of, after Ramadhaan, their (the Huffaaz’s) A’maal and Ibaadaat are supposed to be checked and maintained.

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Muslims who wish to contribute should strictly contribute to reliable organizations. It is Haraam to contribute even for the earthquake-relief work to organizations and Ulama that closed or supported the closure of the Masaajid during covid. If they couldn’t uphold the Haq of Allah’s Houses during the PLANdemic, how can we trust them to fulfil the right (Haq) of our contributions?

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