Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Whoever stands up (in worship) in the nights preceding the two Eids expecting reward from his Sustainer, his heart will not die when other hearts will die (i.e. he will have no fear on the Day of Qiyaamah when hearts will be filled with terror).” (Ibn Maajah)
Braais – whether cloaked with the word ‘Taraweeh’ or ‘Khatam’ – in the Month of Ramadhaan are ‘super-spreader’ events of ‘Laa-Ya’nee’ – Futility!
Stunned-meat which is sizzling on the braai stove at the ‘Khatam-braai’ event is worse than the most lethal poison for one’s spiritual health, the negative effects of which could be noticed the moment Ramadhaan is over!
I personally had observed my ustaaz Maulana Khalil Ahmad during many a Ramadhaan. He was a weak sickly person and of advanced age but in spite of these drawbacks he used to read one and a quarter juz of the Qur’an in nafl namaaz after Maghrib. Thereafter he used to have meals for about half an hour. After performing all other necessities in preparation for Taraaweeh ‘salaah he used to stand in Taraaweeh for about two and a half hours when he was in India, and when he was in Madinah Munawwarah the duration was three hours.
Shops, BUTCHERS, take-aways and restaurants which sell such meats are Haraam! Don’t ruin your Ibaadat of Ramadhaan!
Remember, these set-ups are actually Imaan-snatchers and Imaan-thieves! They are the ‘highway robbers’ of our Imaan! Shaitaan has ‘inspired’ his mates and bondsmen – the Kuffaar – to set-up such Kufr-attractions at these ‘can’t-miss’ areas and places where we are forced to walk / drive pass. His ultimate objective is to snatch away the Imaan of the Mu’mineen in a Shaitaani-subtle way, without us even realising.
The Arab Flags Recently, due to the increased aggression and oppression against Palestinians from the part of the accursed Jews,…
…it is satanically wonderful that the morons of our time suddenly present the erroneous views and practices of some of our senior Ulama to vindicate their haraam participation in haraam kuffaar style protest activities. These morons do not advertise the true lifestyle of these seniors who have erred on the political score. Besides their massive political blunders, these Akaabir were extremely orthodox and strict in the observance of the Sunnah.
Missing Takbeer Ula for no valid reason is a major sin. They learn only Qur‘aan and Hadith, yet the importance of Salaat has not registered in their minds.
GHUSL FOR A TRANSGENDER? WHO SHOULD GIVE THE GHUSL? Question Who should give ghusl to a transgender Muslim? The MJC…
Such a woman of Jannah has been promised by Allah His Forgiveness and an immense reward!