Imaam Abu Hanifah Rahmatullah alaih was never seen with a bare head. He always had his Topi on even when…
“Here on earth, three events are calamities for the Mu’min: • Missing Salaat • The death of a sincere pious…
(Continued from Part 2. Link to Part 2: Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alaih further explains as to who is…
The desire for praise is the effect of love for the world. Three acts are very difficult: (i) Generosity during…
“The closer an Aalim is to the ruler, the further is he from Allah’s proximity.” (Hazrat Fudhail bin Iyaadh)
Everything fears a man who fears Allah Ta’ala. He who does not fear Allah Ta’ala, fears all things. Entry into…
Once a student laughed while Hadhrat A’mash Rahmatullah alaih was imparting lessons. Hadhrat A’mash severely reprimanding the student, said: “You…
Knowledge bereft of fear (Khashiyat) and humility is not true Ilm. Ilm is the legacy / inheritance of the Ambiya.…
“Not a word is spoken but by it there is a watchful guard.” (Qur’aan) Maalik Bin Dinaar Rahmatullah alaih said:…
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Ghaalib Rahmatullah alaih was martyred in Jihad. After he was buried, a wondrous fragrance of musk spread…