If you do not listen attentively then this sitting here is an evil moment, regardless of the sitting being in…
If you do not have sunlight then walk in the moonlight. And if you do not have moonlight then walk…
The gaze of the Akaabir was on A’maal and hence their actions were consistent at home and on journey; their devotional practices…
By affectionately looking at the designated spots when making Ruku’ and Sujood an effect is produced in the Rooh (Soul) (Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi alaih)
They (the Aashiqeen) do not satisfy themselves merely with the five times Salaat, they want to serve more, and then…
How can a Taalib-e-Saadiq (honest seeker of Allah Ta’ala) be lax, lazy and indolent? Moulana Maseehullah Rahmatullahi alaih
The five daily Salaats in their respective times are commanded with utmost emphasis. Thus, what degree of care and importance…
Once when Hazrat Haatim Asam (Rahmatullahi alaih) passed by a gathering of Ulama, he said: “If three things are not…
Advice of Hadhrat Mufti Ebrahim Salejee Saahib (Daamat Barakaatuh) in times of fear – Talimi Board (KZN) Presently, many are…
Culture is mistakenly equated with secular education and the external facade of niceties when meeting and dealing with people. According…