By Shaikh Zaahid Kauthari (Rahmatullahi Alaih) These days discussion is rife on the Hukm (Shar’i Rule) of Salaat bareheaded without…
Abstain from adopting the dress and appearance of aliens (i.e. non-Muslims). We Muslims should adopt the Islamic dress-style of our…
Whatever you do, do it for Allah’s pleasure. The Namaaz which is performed to show other’s will be struck back…
My Hazrat Aqdas Saharanpuri said that in the Qur’aan Majeed Allah Ta’ala says: “If you enumerate the NI’MAT (bounty) of…
Regarding Imam Abu Hanifah (Rahmatullahi alaih), Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Mubaarak commented: “You speak about a man to whom the world…
Speaking in abundance and associating much with people are very harmful spiritually. (Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alaih)
From the external appearances which Muslims have adopted nowadays, it is difficult to recognize if they are Muslims. (Moulana Ashraf…
Nowadays the degree of reliance on newspaper reports (or news apps and social media messages in our era – webmaster…
If a person witnessed oppression being committed and does not report the oppression to the seniors of the oppressor, then…
Gazing intentionally at pictures (of living things) to derive pleasure, is Haraam. If the gaze falls on such pictures unintentionally…