Queen Zubaidah was famous for the construction of the canal known as Nahr-e- Zubaidah. She was the wife of the…
One night Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi (rahmatullah alayh) saw in a dream that Shaitaan was strutting naked in the market place.…
Once a princess passed by the hut in which lived Hadhrat Abu Shuaib Baraathi Rahmatullah alaih who had renounced the…
Indulgence in futility (like sports) and Haraam (like TV and photography) has completely extinguished the concept of Taqwa which is…
Once Sultan Malik Shah with a group of his men was hunting in the jungle of Isfahan. There lived a…
Allaamah Muhammad Bin Ahmad Abi Suhail Sarakhsi Rahmatullah alaih, better known by the title Shamsul Aimmah (The Sun of the…
Hadhrat Allaamah Ibn Seereen Rahmatullah alaih – died 110 Hijri – was one of the greatest among the Muhadditheen. He was…
Once Allah Azza Wa Jal commanded Hadhrat Jibraeel Alayhis salaam to destroy a certain city. Hadhrat Jibraeel Alayhis salaam pleaded:…
Hadhrat Imaam Shaafi’ Rahmatullah alaih sent his messenger to Hadhrat Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal Rahmatullah alaih with the message: “You…
Once freshly-baked bread was presented to Imaam Ahmad Bin Hambal Rahmatullah alaih by a servant. When Imaam Ahmad asked about the…