Setting The Records Straight – After The FITNAH At The ‘Seerah’ Jalsah! “And say, ‘The Haq has come and Baatil…
Few Points To Consider About The Baatil ‘Seerah’ Jalsahs Of FITNAH All Haq-loving Mu’mineen may have already seen by now…
O Huffaaz! Prepare Yourselves For Taraaweeh From NOW To Offer A Spiritually Uplifting Ramadhaan To Your Congregation! “O Allah! Grant…
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Kindly note that our e-mail address ‘’ is currently out of use/service. Please use the following e-mail addresses:…
The below article is copied and slightly edited: Have wudhu whilst cooking-a person in wudhu is safe from shaitaan (devils…
By Hazrat Moulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahimahullah) There are many customs and trends which have their affiliationwith the non-Muslim culture…
This is why the Ulama-e-Haq always cautioned to abstain from soft drinks. ABSTAIN FROM ALL SOFT DRINKS – SUCH AS…
Gauge the following episode with the current intoxication of the Ummah with the Haraam Cricket World Cup, which even Huffaaz…
“This (western) method of Thabah (slaughtering) is wrong. If stunning (which takes place at almost ALL abattoirs in South Africa,…
Mulla Ali Qaari (Rahmatullah alayh) clearly states that: 1. Eating from a small table (i.e. whilst seated on the ground),…