Cause To Rejoice – O Ummah!

27 Safar 1442 / 15 October 2020

The Response Of The Ulama-e-Haq Of South Africa To Baatil Is Heartening!

Accept The Matters Of Deen From ONLY The Ulama-e-Haq!

“Knowledge is indeed part of your religion. So be careful as to whom you accept your matters of Deen from.” (Hazrat Ibn Sireen Rahimahullah – Muslim Shareef)

Alhamdulillah for the Bounty of having Ulama-e-Haq in our country!

Ever since the Haraam soccer World (Shaitaan’s) Cup in 2010 which certain ‘Ulama’ supported and were even present at the stadium which is (inevitably) surrounded by Zina, music, liquor, semi-nude women and which is under the direct Shadow of the Cloud of the Ghadhab (Anger) and La’nat (Curse) of Allah Ta’ala, Baatil has rapidly increased. The Baatil of recent times has traversed into extreme dangerous terrains, to such an extent that one’s Imaan may be at jeopardy should one not be given proper Islamic teachings!  

In the past week – just one week! – we had noticed a shocking display of Baatil (falsehood) perpetrated by ‘Muslims’ and ‘Ulama’. In this regard, the following is discussed to offer a cause for rejoicing to those who are interested in practicing Deen according to the Shari’ah to the fact that just as Baatil and the Ahl-e-Baatil (people of Baatil) are increasing, the Haq and the Ahl-e-Haq have likewise become apparent – Alhamdulillah!

Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, “There will always remain a group of people from my Ummah who will be triumphant (dominant) on the Haq. Those who will oppose them or abandon them, will not be able to harm them. This will continue until the Command of Allah arrives.” (Muslim Shareef)

Teacher’s day: A day designed by the Kuffar. Two organisations acknowledged and celebrated this pro-secular day, who are members of the ‘Ulama’ body that are known as the friends of the court against the Masjid case. There are many, many unacceptable concepts, theories and terms taught which are totally against our Aqeedah in schools! Thus, condoning teacher’s day is approving all that anti-Aqeedah education, some of which are clear Kufr, Shirk, atheism, shamelessness, Zina and Haraam!

Archbishop’s birthday: Similarly, in the course of the same week, we witnessed how a ‘Muslim’ politician celebrated the birthday of an archbishop and elevated the bishop’s status higher than a Muslim, a Haafizul-Qur’an and even a Mufti in Jannah! These are all dangerous utterances. Remember, this same politician held a Hindu-wedding for his daughter, after which some Ulama-e-Haq exposed this act of his. While an entire Jumu’ah Bayaan was delivered explaining the Baatil of the wedding in Cape Town, yet the amicus-type ‘Ulama’ remained silent, some of whom resorted to rather ‘justify’ the Hindu rituals observed by ‘Muslims’ at the Hindu wedding!   

Obviously, it is totally Haraam to celebrate the birthday of even a Muslim, forget a non-Muslim, forget a bishop! If a person dies without Imaan, then as per the Qur’an Majeed, he/she is doomed for ever into Jahannam. Furthermore, we don’t even celebrate the Blessed day of birth of our Nabi (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), like the Bidatis do in their Meelaad/Mawlid/Moulood parties! Hence, this act of praising a Kaafir on his birthday is Tashabbuh-bil-Kuffar (imitating the Kuffar), since birthday celebrations are their ‘salient features’. Unfortunately, Muslims are celebrating birthdays on a large scale these days. These are major sins.

Islamic guidelines amid the man-made ‘virus’: Different Ulama (of the Haq) have been going around the country and offering the immutable Shar’ee guidelines amid the ‘man-made’ plandemic (pandemic). While again, the disgraced amicus-type ‘Ulama’ are dishing out total un-Islamic guidelines which please none but their ‘masters’ (government), to the contrary, the Ulama-e-Haq have backed up their claims with solid Shar’ee support. Thus far, we have not seen even one Shar’ee Daleel (proof) from UUCSA and JUSA for the guidelines they are harping on. Their only proof is the man-made ones from the Kuffar-atheist organisation of WHO and the atheist government whom they always wish to please. These man-made guidelines have changed several times already, whereas Shar’ee guidelines remain the same due to Deen being a Divine and a Divinely Perfected Deen of Allah Ta’ala, hence, there will be no change in its Ta’leem (teachings)! Also, the guidelines mentioned in the Ahaadith are definitely true and Haq. Instead of following the Kuffar’s guidelines, ALL Ulama should offer Deeni guidelines and demand that the Muslims change their ways immediately!

The lockdown, the (satanic-)social distancing, the unhealthy masks (the veils of the fire worshippers) and the false statistics have been exposed by not only the Ulama-e-Haq, but also by many, many non-Muslim professors, experts, lawyers and doctors. Yet, the UUCSA-JUSA-breed ‘Ulama’ have not changed their un-Islamic guidelines to conform to the Shari’ah! Their eyes have perhaps not opened up to the reality of the situation. Dajjal will use the so-called learned (scholars) as his traps and baits to hook innocent Muslims into his Kufr.

Fortunately, we had seen the Ta’lem forthcoming swiftly from the Ulama-e-Haq of our country for the above terrible and major sins. While some took up the opportunity of the Jumu’ah Bayaan to speak and educate the Musallis of the evils of the above, others used whatever platforms they have in their locality and/or in their surroundings. Other Ulama-e-Haq issued short and simple articles on this issue, while others issued detailed refutations.

This is most welcoming and promising for every Mu’min and Mu’minah that is seeking and searching for the Haq. Alhamdulillah, we are fortunate that the Ulama-e-Haq have done what they had done. Let us make Shukr unto Allah Ta’ala for this Great Bounty He has favoured us with of having Ulama-e-Haq in our country.

Allah Ta’ala says, “If you show gratitude, then I will definitely grant you more.” (Ibrahim, Aayat 7)

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