Question: Asalamalaikum. I’ve read your articles on the Souk. However, what I wanted to find out is that some items at the Souk are really super-cheap. What do you then say for going there just to buy those items and coming out immediately, without going to other places like the food stalls, stage/entertainment arena etc.?
Answer: Allah Ta’ala says in His Beautiful Kalaam, “Help one-another in righteous deeds and piety. And do not help one-another in sinful actions and transgressions. And fear Allah.”
Nabi Sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, “He who increases the number of a crowd is of them…”
Even if everything at the Souk is super-cheap and is on a ridiculous super-sale, then too it will not be permissible to go to the Souk, even to just buy those items and come out. The Qur’anic Aayat and Hadith Shareef mentioned above are clear in this subject.
Rather go elsewhere to buy those items if you are in need of them. Choose a shop which sells those items in which your Imaan will remain safe. Go to a quiet shop at a quiet time to do your shopping there. Rather pay more for those items then to find yourself surrounded in a sinful environment – sins which have been ‘legalized’ by Muslims, unfortunately.
May Allah Ta’ala safeguard our Imaan, Aameen.
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