
Question: What is your view on the status of the chickens which are certified as Halaal such as Rainbow and Early Bird?

Answer: Commercially slaughtered chickens are Haraam according to Islaam and the Islamic method of Thabah (slaughter). 

Some slaughterers from such plants themselves said that they are unable to recite Tasmiyah, which plays a very important role in rendering the animal Halaal, upon every chicken they slaughter. So, if the most important aspect of Thabah viz. Tasmiyah is not recited upon every chicken, then what more needs to be said? 

Any ‘Halaal’ logo or certification on such chickens hold NO Islamic worth, nor does it change the status of the chickens to Halaal. Unfortunately, the Halaal certifiers of South Africa are not keeping up with the demands of proper Halaal Thabah (slaughter), including the Sunnah and Mustahab methods. 

Therefore, all commercially slaughtered chickens are Haraam. That is what we and many senior Ulama and Muftis of the Haq and of major Darul-Ulooms of SA say.

Insha Allah, if Allah Ta’ala grants us the Tawfeeq, we will write further on this vital subject which perhaps is difficult for many to gulp.

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