“If someone cannot pursue Ilm constructively then at least he should meet frequently with the Ulama and ask them Masaail of the Deen. He should adopt their company for some time. In fact, this should be adopted even with one’s course of study.
One should not stop at just studying books because there is something which cannot be acquired without the company of the Awliya. And that is affinity with the Deen. Relationship with Deen cannot be achieved without company of the Awliya.
The effect of company is as described by Shaikh Sa’di (Rahmatullahi alaih). He says in a parable:
“I picked up a sweet-smelling lump of soil. I asked it whether it was musk or ambergris. It replied that it was plain sand; however, the company of a sweet-smelling rose left its impression on it.”
See how sand became sweet-scented by virtue of being in the company of a rose! In the same manner, by keeping the company of the Lovers of Allah, love for Allah and affinity with Deen are produced.”
Ml Ashraf Ali Thanwi Rahmatullahi alaih
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