Confirmed Friends Of The Kuffar

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4 Ramadhaan 1441 / 28 April 2020

‘UUCSA’ – Confirmed Friends Of The Kuffar And Their Misleading Unsigned 7-Page Statement

Allah Ta’ala speaks about His ENMITY for the Kuffar in the Qur’an Majeed in the following clear and explicit words:

“Indeed, Allah is an ENEMY of the Kuffar.” (Baqarah, 98)

Yet, unfortunately, a group of ‘Ulama’ which calls itself ‘United’ Ulama Council, opts to befriend the Kuffar in order to gain entry to a courtroom. Upon their entry into the courtroom, they opposed the arguments for opening the Masaajid. What guts?! What audacity?! Can you call them genuine and real Ulama?! Can they be grouped as Ulama – Ulama who are supposed to be the protectors of the Deen?!

Though this particular court case was of a certain party against the state, the vast majority of the very, very senior Ulama of South Africa, as well as most of the major Darul Ulooms of South Africa, also agreed that the Masaajid be opened. In other words, all the seniors of South Africa held the same view as that of the group that went to court to ask for concession to open the Masaajid.

REMEMBER: All those who support the view of opening the Masaajid, do so with the conditions of this to be achieved in a legal and approved way and with certain ‘measures’ in place. None of them have ever claimed that Muslims should go to the Masjid breaking the government’s lockdown rules and laws! No, never! Let that be clear in the mind of all, especially those liberal ‘Muslims’ whose brains and souls are indoctrinated with secularism and who are the bootlickers and social activists of governments and politicians, as well as the modern Ulama-e-Baatil consisting of a cartel of Mooo-lanas whose function is to oppose the Haq whenever they can.

We have come across a hundred – if not more – names of very senior Ulama that have given their names in a letter where they humbly ask and make mention that they support the view that Masaajid should be opened with some conditions.

To give you an idea of the seniority of some of the Ulama mentioned in the list, we will pen down a few of them:

  1. Mufti Riza-ul-Haq Sahib – Head Mufti and Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Darul Uloom Zakariya. A renowned scholar and very prominent in the world.
  2. Mufti Saeed Motara Sahib – Head Mufti of Darul Uloom Azaadville. Very experienced in the field of Ifta (Islamic rulings) and enjoys prominence in the eyes of people as well as Ulama.
  3. Moulana Shabbeer Saloojee Sahib – Principal of Darul Uloom Zakariya. This Darul Uloom is well known in the world. Students from all parts of the world flock to this institute to gain higher Islamic studies. The Darul Uloom also has top-class Ustaads.
  4. Moulana Abdul Hameed Sahib – Principal of Darul Uloom Azaadville. The same can be said here as was said for Darul Uloom Zakariya.
  5. Moulana Fazlur-Rahmaan Azmi Sahib – Shaykh-ul-Hadith of Darul Uloom Azaadville. Hazrat Moulana is also renowned and prominent. He is very senior in age and very experienced in teaching Hadith Shareef.
  6. Mufti Ebrahim Salejee – Principal of Madrasah Ta’leemud-Deen, Isipingo. Hazrat Mufti Sahib is also prominent in South Africa and has a huge following. His Madrasah also enjoys prominence.
  7. Moulana Ahmad Sulaimaan Khatani Sahib – Anyone who attends the annual Ijtima will testify to his knowledge. Lengthy Arabic Ahaadith are quoted by him ‘at the spur of the moment’ in his Bayaans. He is renowned in the world as well. Some say he travels more than staying at home, giving the Da’wat to Deen.
  8. Moulana Yunus Daya Sahib – Very senior in age and enjoys prominence in the country. Despite his advance age and his illness, he goes to places and delivers Naseehat.

These few names suffice for any healthy Mu’min to conclude that personalities of the abovementioned caliber, who agree that the Masaajid be opened with certain measures, will be steering the Ummah to the Correct Path as well as them having the correct understanding of the Deen regarding what to do in Light of the Shari’at in these trying times. Keep in mind, some of the names (and Darul Ulooms) mentioned above happen to be the Ustaads or Madrasahs of the people (modern ‘Ulama’) opposing the view of opening the Masaajid. What a sad reality?!  

On the other hand, there are the opposing groups of unfortunately ‘Ulama’ (i.e. UUCSA (besides two bodies), Fordsburg Jamiat, MJC and others) who have confirmed their friendship with the Kuffar and confirmed their open opposing of some of the Teachings of Deen. This irks and pains any Mu’min to fathom as to how it is possible for a group consisting of ‘Ulama’ to apply to be at the court as the friends of the Kuffar, to oppose the group that has proceeded to the court for concession in allowing the Masaajid to reopen, albeit with some measures!?

Indeed, when the hearts of so-called Muslims and modern secular ‘Ulama’ are blackened, then you will find their Imaan is de-sensitized in some of the following common ways:

  • Frequenting churches and cathedrals
  • Interfaith meetings
  • Posing and accepting pictures and videos to be captured
  • Appearing on Dajjal’s eye – TV  
  • Speaking and ‘flirting’ with women on the airwaves of their radio stations
  • Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with women with NO Hijaab in TV studios
  • Labelling PORK and BACON products as ‘Halaal’
  • Certifying commercial chickens which has ‘Jesus is Lord’ – a slogan of SHIRK – written next to their Haraam ‘Halaal’ logos
  • Sitting under crosses and delivering a ‘lecture’ – more like gospelizing  
  • Concealing the Haq and degrading the Ulama-e-Haq
  • Silence on the issue of the Shi’as. In fact, UUCSA’s president supports the Cape Accord which is setup to accept Shi’as as Muslims and NOT to criticize them

These points are just to mention a few…

By being involved in any of the above major sins, one’s Imaan becomes extremely weak, as a result, one becomes de-sensitized to understand Haq from Baatil, right from wrong.

The Misleading Statement of UUCSA In Their 7-Page Unsigned Statement:

Most of the time – if not every time – UUCSA’s statements were seen ending with a signature of either Moolana Igsaan Taliep (their president who has attended cathedrals) or Moolana Yusuf Patel (their secretary who opposes his Ustaad – Hazrat Mufti AK Hoosen Sahib – in many matters). Interestingly, this 7-page statement of UUCSA which tries to ‘justify’ their going as friends of the Kuffar (whom Allah is an ENEMY of as mentioned earlier) to the court, was blank of any signatures at the end! Does no one want to take the brunt of opposing the opening of the Masjids to be a testimony against him on Qiyaamat’s Day? Alas, Kiraaman-Kaatibeen – the two Angles recording our good and bad deeds, will have it preserved to be presented on Qiyaamat’s Day, even if this statement may be unsigned by any specific Mooolana in the Dunya!

Another interesting point which we came across in this 7-page statement of UUCSA, they mentioned the following in the 2nd paragraph of that statement: (Emphasis is ours)

“The United Ulama Council of South Africa (UUCSA), an umbrella body representing nine Ulama formations in South Africa took a majority-decision (eight out of nine) to become Amicus Curiae (a friend of the court). The Jamiatul Ulama KZN did not support the decision.”

To us, this is totally MISLEADING and a LIE! Two of the nine bodies of UUCSA did NOT agree to be friends of the Kuffar! While Jamiat KZN disassociated themselves from the beginning, the Council of Ulama Eastern Cape retracted later on! However, referring to this seven page unsigned statement of UUCSA, they did NOT exclude two bodies, rather only one. And this is very misleading! When writing this 7-page letter, they were well aware of another body of their ‘council’ disassociating from their proceeding as friends of the Kuffar.

We, and perhaps many others had seen the official statement of the Council of Ulama Eastern Cape which they issued to the president of UUCSA to make it clear that they do not agree to their application of being friends of the Kuffar – regarding whom Allah has claimed He is their ENEMY – in the following statement we have inserted. Then you can decide as to whether UUCSA really is a ‘United Ulama Council’ or ‘Disunited Ulama Council’ which will then make them known as ‘DUCSA’ – Disunited Ulama Council of SA and not as UUCSA.

(Please refer to the PDF copy to view the official statement of Council of Ulama Eastern Cape inserted here.)

May Allah Ta’ala reward the Council of Ulama Eastern Cape who have exempted themselves from UUCSA’s un-Islamic decision of being friends of the Kuffar. May Allah Ta’ala make them disassociate themselves from UUCSA totally, and join the ranks and groups of the Ulama-e-Haq. The same Du’a is made for Jamiat KZN. Aameen.

“Man will be raised (on Qiyaamat’s Day) with whom he loves (follows in the world).” (Hadith)


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